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它的喙上粘了很多花粉。Its proboscis has got stuck to a lot of pollen.

它使用喙感知近距离的猎物。It uses its proboscis for sensing at close range.

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活动鸟上喙用销子与下喙铆接。The active upper proboscis was riveted with the lower proboscis.

部分独眼畸形,有点并眼畸形,以及典型的额部鼻子。Partial cyclopia with some synophthalmia and the typical frontal proboscis.

它们用独特的吻捕食其它无脊椎动物。They prey on other invertebrates, which they capture with a unique proboscis.

吸喙许多昆虫已改作吮吸喙官的一部分喙。A portion of the proboscis that is adapted as a sucking organ in many insects.

这种雄性长鼻猴长着一个下垂的、看上去有些色迷迷的大鼻子。The male proboscis monkey has a pendulous vaguely salacious Jimmy Durante nose.

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这种雄性长鼻猴长着一个下垂的、看上去有些色迷迷的大鼻子。The male proboscis monkey has a pendulous, vaguely salacious Jimmy Durante nose.

“它利用口器刺穿海葵然后吸出体液,”索恩斯说。"It usesits proboscis to puncture sea anemones and suck out fluids, " Sones says.

刺激该动物时,就会把乳白色、树枝状结构的吻喷出体外。When stimulated, it spits out milk-white proboscis which resembles branches of a tree.

方法观察4例同一类型管状鼻患者的临床症状。Methods 4 cases of proboscis lateralis sharing the same type of deformity were observed.

冠状动脉是腹壁下动脉和闭孔动脉的吻和支。Coronary artery is proboscis and ramus of inferior epigastric artery and obturator artery.

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因为不光滑的缘故,所以蚊子锯齿状的尖喙会较少触碰到皮肤中的神经。The bug’s serrated proboscis touches the skin’s nerves at fewer points than it would if smooth.

在亚利桑那的索诺伊塔附近,一只蛱蝶正在一朵向日葵上寻找食物,它的喙部和腿部就如同装上了能够吸引花粉的磁铁。Its proboscis and legs acting like pollen magnets, a nymphalid butterfly feeds on a sunflower near Sonoita, Arizona.

树疖、树疤恰到好处地构成了耳眼嘴鼻微扬的象鼻上卷着一根圆木。There is a log on the proboscis that scar of tree furuncle, tree made small spread of bazoo of ear eye mouth properly.

一旦猎物停止反抗,芋螺会用吻把它拖入口中,直到完全整个吞下这条鱼。Once its prey is helpless, the cone snail retracts it through its proboscis until it engulfs the fish, swallowing it whole.

经过短短的一两个试验,许多蜜蜂已经学会在期盼已久的含糖微滴前吐出舌样长鼻。After only one or two trials, many bees learned to stick out their tonguelike proboscis in anticipation of a sugary droplet.

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苏高红树林位于京那巴丹岸河下游,是一个野生动植物的乐园,而这里的明星当属长鼻猴。Located on the lower Kinabatangan River, the Sukau rainforest teems with wildlife, the star attraction being the proboscis monkey.

蚊子有六只脚,有一双翅膀,复眼,大型天线,而先天问题,其中以女性,吸血。Mosquitoes have six legs, a pair of wings, compound eyes, large antennae, and that problematic proboscis with which the females suck blood.

目的描述一种罕见的管状鼻临床症状,探索一次手术完成管状鼻修复的技术。Objective Describing the clinical presentation of a rare deformity, proboscis lateralis, and exploring the clinical technique for its one stage reconstruction.