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阿托品对人体子宫的作用极微弱。Atropine has negligible effects on the human uterus.

目的测定硫酸阿托品的含量。Objective To determine the content of atropine sulfate.

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这种由阿托品引起的结膜炎,可用抗组胺类药物控制。Antihistaminic agents may control the atropine conjunctivitis.

目的制备硫酸阿托品眼用胶体溶液。OBJECTIVE To prepare atropine sulfate ophthalmic gel solution.

目的对阿托品眼膏的微生物限度检查进行方法验证。Objective To verify the microbial limit test for atropine eye ointment.

告诉你们,阿托品中毒有时很难与食物中毒区别开来。Now, atropine poisoning is sometimes very hard to tell ptomaine poisoning.

应注意鉴别阿托品过量中毒与农药中毒昏迷。We should distinguish atropine overdosage from coma caused by pesticide poisoning.

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吗啡的小肠兴奋作用可被纳洛酮或阿托品阻断。Naloxone and atropine antagonized the effect of morphine on isolated small intestine.

确定了这点之后,他使用一剂叫阿托品的兴奋剂来增强她的心跳。That settled, he administered a stimulant called atropine to strengthen her heartbeat.

适当剂量的阿托品能消除多种类型的迷走反射性心效减慢或停搏。Adequate doses of atropine can abolish many types of reflex vagal cardiac slowing or asystole.

目的定量研究血液灌流对有机磷农药硫线磷和其解毒药阿托品的吸附作用。Objective To study on on adsorption effect of Cadusafos and Atropine sulfate by hemoperfusion.

对机能性梗阻的异常肾图,阿托品能减轻其异常程度,或变为正常。On the contrary, atropine could reduce or remove the abnormal renograms of functional obstruction.

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氨甲酰胆碱对神经元的保护作用及对ERK激活的抑制作用可被阿托品阻断。The protective effect and the inhibiting ERK phosphorylation of carbachol were blocked by atropine.

静脉注射阿托品和肌肉注射阿托品有和区别和副作用?Be vein inject atropine and intramuscular injection atropine have and distinguished and side-effect?

家兔H_1受体调节的升压作用亦可被阿托品所阻断。In addition, the pressor effect mediated by H_1- receptors in rabbits could beantagonised by atropine.

建立了HPLC法测定复方地芬诺酯片中硫酸阿托品的含量。HPLC method for the determination of atropine sulfate in compound diphenoxylate tablets was established.

结论对阿托品眼膏的微生物限度检查可按常规法进行。Conclusion The microbial limit test of atropine eye ointment could be investigated by conventional method.

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目的评定阿托品药物试验联合仰卧起坐运动对窦房结功能的诊断价值。Objective To assess the diagnostic value of the atropine test and sit-up exercise for sinus node function.

结果迷走神经刺激明显缩短肺静脉不同部位的ERP,而阿托品则可拮抗这种缩短。Results VNS shortened the ERP at all sites. Intravenous infusion of atropine abolished the ERP shortening.

此效应不受溴化六甲双铵和阿托品的影响。The excitatory effect of lidocaine can not be changed by pretreatment of hexamethonium bromide and atropine.