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她一刀就把小苗砍倒了。She cut down the seedling with one chop.

新生的光梗蒺藜草幼苗其基部叶鞘呈紫红色。The basal part of the renascent seedling is mauve.

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指定的品种嫁接到山茱萸的幼苗上。Named cultivars are grafted onto seedling dogwoods.

红桤木的苗高生长过程表现出“慢-快-慢”的节律。The growth process of the annual seedling height of A.

里人分不清水稻苗和杂草。Many urban people can not tell rice seedling from weeds.

冷敏感型的品种变化幅度较大。The cold-sensitive cucumber seedling had greater change.

你的那粒脆弱的种子很快就被野草吞噬。Your frail little seedling would soon be choked by weeds.

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分析认为,秧箱移动慢是关键原因。That the seedling box is the key reason for moving slowly.

南宁哪里有黄花梨树苗卖?Where to there is the virgin pear seedling in Nanning sell?

头花蓼种子育苗技术研究。Study on raising seedling technology of polygonum capitatum.

从实生群体里曾经得到过单倍体桃。Monoploid peaches havebeenobtained from seedling populations.

没有人会说这些初发芽的公司没法子吸引现金。None of this is to say seedling companies aren't luring cash.

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实生苗是植物种群更新的主要资源。Seedling is the main resources which plant population renews.

辣椒黄绿苗突变体是辣椒叶色黄绿色隐性突变体。Yellow-green seedling mutant is a recessive mutant of pepper.

说出使用水稻联合播种生产线上的育秧过程。Describe the process of rice seedling with combine sowing line.

利用二年生刺龙芽实生苗根造林,并于当年秋季测定根重。The roots of two-year seedling of Aralia elata were afforested.

在某些方面它们也涉及到实生种子园。In several respects they are also relevant to seedling orchards.

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芽苗菜的种子那里卖的比较便宜?Is the comparison that bud seedling dish seed sells there cheap?

农夫带回一株红木小树苗,把它种在盆子里。Nung-fu brought home a redwood seedling and planted it in a pot.

致萎毒素可引起棉苗维管束系统堵塞。Wilting toxins can induce to block the xylem of cotton seedling.