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这是一小包混合配料。It was a packet mix.

那会花你一大笔钱。It'll cost you a packet.

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他给了我一包烟。He gave me a packet of fags.

xdsl需要分组交换。XDSL needs packet switching.

我给他买了踊袋糖蝴。I bought him packet of sugar.

这包汤料可供两人用。This packet of soup serves two.

请给我一小包甜食。A small packet of sweets,please.

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看看这包烟。Check this packet of cigarettes.

这个包裹是用绳子捆着的。The packet was tied with string.

向WPA数据包注入成为可能WPA packet injection now possible

这包种子一百粒。These are 100 seeds in the packet.

只买小包装的“糟糕的”食物。Only buy'bad' foods in small packet.

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你能帮我买一袋盐吗?Can you help me buy a packet of salt?

NVC正送一次重复分组。The NVC is sending a duplicate packet.

这一小包薯片多少钱?。How much is this small packet of crisps?

我要一包带过滤嘴的香烟。I want a packet of filter tip cigarette.

第一部分是提取每一个数据包。The first part is to extract each packet.

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这在寓言后的邮件里。This is in the packet after the parables.

他买了一包特大型包装的洗衣粉。He bought a jumbo packet of washing-power.

你说的是一包什么东西,腾格拉尔?Of what packet are you speaking, Danglars?