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麦卢卡树和我。Manuka and me.

进行这一研究的科学家们选取了新西兰的国宝麦卢卡蜂蜜作为研究材料。The researchers focused on manuka honey from New Zealand.

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原件和纯新西兰麦卢卡蜂蜜与UMF评级。Original and pure New Zealand Manuka Honey with UMF Ratings.

混合了柠檬长春花油、茶树油、薰衣草油、杏仁油及麦奴卡油。Contains East Cape Manuka oil, Lemon Myrtle oil, Tea Tree oil.

纯麦卢卡蜂蜜主动加强与新西兰蜂胶粉和提取物。Pure Active Manuka Honey enhanced with New Zealand Propolis powder and extract.

2009年冬天,我发现了唛奴卡蜂蜜的一项“特异功能”。It was the winter of 2009 when I discovered the health benefits of Manuka Honey.

音,并刷新后,与此活动的麦卢卡蜂蜜和茶树油凝胶清洁皮肤。Tone and refresh skin after cleansing with this Active Manuka Honey and Manuka Oil gel.

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一个天然替代品是麦卢卡蜂蜜或者糖蜜,但是也只能非常小的量。A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts.

结果发现,麦卢卡蜂蜜能够避免细菌把自己粘附在伤口的组织上。Turns out that the manuka honey keeps some bacteria from being able to attach themselves to tissue.

佛山,是一家专业从事文化石设计、研发、生产为一体的生产企业。Foshan Manuka Building Material Co. , Ltd specializes in the production and research of Culture Stone.

带有柠檬的果香和甜美的红梅树蜂蜜的香气,成熟的梨和丁香的味道若隐若现。Aromas of mandarin and Meyer lemon are balanced with luscious manuka honey, ripe pear and clove – the finish is sweetly sublime.

麦卢卡花有强烈芳香味和刚开放时,有充分的花蜜和甚殷的蜜蜂。Manuka flowers have a strong aromatic fragrance and when freshly opened, are full of nectar and much sought after by the honeybee.

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采自于茶树的麦卢卡蜂蜜,以独具杀菌、抗真菌及消炎之功效而闻名。Manuka honey is made from the nectar of the tea tree, and is famous for its antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

有科学家说,马鲁卡蜂蜜或许可以用来治疗那些对高效抗生素产生抗体的难以治疗的感染病例。Manuka honey could be used to combat some of the most hard-to-treat infections that are resistant to powerful antibiotics, scientists say.

这表明现有的抗生素如果与麦卢卡蜂蜜同时使用的话可以更有效对抗耐药性感染。This indicates that existing antibiotics may be more effective against drug-resistant infections if used in combination with manuka honey.

麦卢卡蜂蜜是从麦卢卡植物茂盛新西兰的毛利人部落的土地上,并提供了有益的的属性。Manuka honey is derived from the Manuka plant which flourishes on the Maori tribal lands of New Zealand and provides beneficial properties.

这项研究可能提高麦卢卡蜂蜜的临床用途因为医生正面临着有效抗菌选择缩小的威胁。This research may increase the clinical use of manuka honey as doctors are faced with the threat of diminishingly effective antimicrobial options.

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除了以上所描述的野生蜂蜜的特殊功效之外,麦卢卡蜂蜜因含有甲基乙二醛的成分而更有益于身体健康。In addition to the extraordinary properties described above, manuka honey provides a number of other health benefits, due to its methyglyoxal content.

麦卢卡蜂蜜能够干扰细菌对伤口的感染,因为这种蜂蜜不但能够组织细菌粘附在伤口的组织上,也能让抗生素的使用效果更好。Manuka honey interferes with bacteria infecting a wound by keeping the microbes from attaching to tissue and even by making antibiotics more effective.

更好的是吃天然替代品,如马努卡蜂蜜或糖蜜,但只能非常少量,精制盐会使蜂蜜或糖蜜变成白色,更好的选择是吃布拉格氨基酸或海盐。A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour.