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旋风般恋爱。It's a whirlwind courtship.

求偶行为还具有多种功能。Courtship behavior has many functions.

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从某种意义上说,这是一次二度求爱期。It was, in a sense, a second courtship.

他追求她不久便和她闪电般地结婚了。He married her after a whirlwind courtship.

珍贵的蜂鸟求爱的录像。Video reveals rare hummingbird courtship dis.

相互尊敬和爱慕不应随蜜月结束而终。The courtship should not end with the honeymoon.

身边不断会有异性出现,满面春风,与异性十分投契。Easily meet your opposite sex, so enjoy your courtship.

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我们的恋爱长跑主要靠书信往来维持。Our long courtship had been conducted mostly by letter.

许多人进入婚恋场所寻找一种感觉。A lot of people head into courtship looking for fireworks.

鲜艳的色彩可以适应求偶的需要。Bright-coloured colour can adapt to the need of courtship.

他在求爱期间展现了非凡的忍耐力。He showed his remarkable endurance throughout the courtship.

他说他的第一次历经了一段长期的求爱。He described his first encounter as involving a long courtship.

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杰西在和自己的表妹约会九年之后结婚。Jesse married his own first cousin after a nine-year courtship.

每当看见雌鱼它都会直接游过去求爱。When he sees her, he goes straight to the courtship acrobatics.

越南,胡志民市---在她的梦里,他幻想能有一个爱情长跑。Ho chi minh city vietnam-in her dreams she imagined a long courtship.

路边的风物,老使他想起他向他太太求爱…The wayside object reminded him so much of his courtship of his wife.

求偶的表现包括雄鸟抖松羽毛的炫耀行为。Courtship will include display in which the male fluff up his feather.

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在旧的求婚方式中,最近出现了一个创新的办法,那就是由计算机做媒。The newest wrinkle in old game of courtship is match-making by computer.

你一辈子一定要看看这些傢伙跳过求偶舞之后,你才算没白活。You haven't lived until you've seen these guys do their courtship dance.

我们的求偶仪式快速的变化,以致我们无所适从。Our courtship rituals are rapidly changing, and we don’t know what to do.