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这是为了鼓励圣骑士更广泛的物品选择。This is to encourage a wider variety of itemization for the Paladin.

这将会对一些属性非常防御向的装备有利。It is good for itemization to have some stats which are very defensive oriented.

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更难的部分是那些细节选择,还不确定我是想要更多的暴击还是法术能量。The harder part is the itemization , not sure if I'd want to get more crit or spell power.

改善攻击速度道具,这样相对于单独的穿透就有更多更好的选择。Improve attack speed itemization so that there are more, better options than solely the ones with penetration.

关于护甲方面,我觉得你们还是认为我不懂野德。On the armor thing, I still feel like you are trying to turn this into "GC doesn't understand Feral itemization."

不要担心你们的熊形态,护甲和一些其他的变化解决了装备方面的问题。Don't worry about your bears. The armor and other changes were done to fix itemization issues, not to nerf druids.

无论何时何地都能组合你身上的装备,在游戏中花费更多的时间去打装备,这样的方式也可以做到人物的定制提供多种可行的方法。Where and when possible itemization and playing the game more to get drops and find items play into the various types of customization.

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我尽可能使物品的设计彼此间具有差异,然而当纳克萨玛斯中有那么多一个个的物品从而不可避免的有一些需要重新设计。I tried to make as much variation between items as possible, when there is as much itemization as there is in Naxxramas inevitably some things will get recreated unintentionally.

我觉得,当资料片普及后,开发者们想可能从玩家的反馈中,了解更多关于“物品的使用是怎样在现实环境中对41点天赋造成影响的。”I suspect that the devs are also going to want to watch itemization affecting 41-point talents in a live environment, when they can get a broader cross-section than from the Beta.

介绍了通过神经网络模型进行高速公路社会效益评价的方法,针对神经网络方法在社会评价中的不足,提出了细化数据采集粒度。Methods of social-benefit evaluation by employing neural network are introduced. Aiming at solving the problem of over-evaluation of highway, itemization of data collection is proposed.