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体面不体面其实根本就是单向的。The respectability is very one-sided.

他渴望丢掉那副道貌岸然的伪装。He longed to throw off the mask of respectability.

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辛普森先生原来就是一位无懈可击的体面人物。Mr Sympson proved to be a man of spotless respectability.

利比亚重返体面国家,制裁也起到了一定的作用。Libya's return to respectability may have owed something to sanctions.

在夏布洛尔电影里,有很多迹象是对中产阶级故作自尊的取笑。There was a tease in Chabrol and many signs of bourgeois respectability.

年轻人的可敬之处在于勇气和远大前程。The respectability of youth lies in their courage and great expectations.

久因污秽而遭到诟病的城市,如今正在找回自己的体面。Long derided as a city of sleaze, the city is reaching for respectability.

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在他们一本正经的体面外表下,满肚子的邪恶和情欲。Under their stagnant respectability are whirlpools of evil and erotic passion.

由于迫切期望体验富有和尊贵的感受,骗子倾向于变成技艺高超而又受人尊重的小丑。Desperate to feel rich and important, they tend to be excellent mimics of respectability.

举个例子来说,梅赛德斯奔驰在世界大部分地区都象征着富裕的体面人士。Take, for example, Mercedes-Benz, a brand that in much of the world suggests moneyed respectability.

达赖喇嘛一直以来是中国得到国际社会各界尊敬和认可的眼中钉肉中刺。The Dalai Lama is a constant irritant in China's efforts to achieve full international respectability.

要是瑞德事先已经尝试过的话,他就不会选择一个像现在这样困难的时来实行改邪归正了。Had he tried, Rhett could not have chosen a more difficult time to beat his way back to respectability.

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上班时候哪种浪费时间行为最体面?人们心中有个座次排位,电脑游戏位居末列。There is a peckingsgroupsin the respectability of time-wasting activities at work, and computer games are at the bottom of it.

素来被国外饮酒者嘲笑为廉价泔水的中国葡萄酒朝着令人满意的水平迈出了一小步。China's wine, long derided by drinkers outside the country as cheap swill, has taken one tiny step toward respectability this week.

当一些人认为足球在这个国家没有发展前途的时候,有迹象显示足球正在赢得美国主流的尊重。While some argue soccer has no future in this country, other indicators say the sport could be on the road to mainstream respectability.

英国人生下地便朝魔鬼那儿跑,可是等到年纪大了,他们几乎总是换骑徐辔缓行地朝尊荣走去。Englishmen start galloping to the devil, but as they grow older, they nearly always change horse and amble along gently to respectability.

数新加坡人都对本地熟食情有独钟,连总统也不例外,这对本地佳肴而言是一种肯定,也使得本地饮食文化荣登大雅之堂。Most Singaporeans have a special fondness for hawker food. So do our presidents. This certainly raises the level of respectability for our food culture.

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哈莱姆文艺复兴是黑人在白人赞助下发起的运动,旨在通过发表第一流的文学作品获得文化上的地位和尊敬。The Harlem Renaissance was a movement by blacks, helped by white patrons, to gain cultural access and respectability by producing a first-rate literature.

在被捕的1960年,彼得与海伦·克罗格在伦敦附近的郊区瑞斯里普过着外人看来没有瑕疵的、受人尊敬的生活。At the time of their arrest in 1960, Peter and Helen Kroger had been living lives of apparently impeccable suburban respectability in Ruislip, near London.

一个标新立异的女人一旦冒犯了礼规,招致了唇枪舌剑的非议,再没有谁会象她那样飞快地跑去寻找尊严体面的庇护了。No one runs so hurriedly to the cover of respectability as the unconventional woman who has exposed herself to the slings and arrows of outraged propriety.