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具体分析了溃决洪水过程和冰湖溃决洪水泥石流演变过程。At last, the properties of hydrograph of the flood and debris flow are analyzed.

建立了基于线性动力波的地貌瞬时单位线模型。A geomorphic instantaneous unit hydrograph model is developed based on linear dynamic wave.

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产、汇流方案的制定分别采用新安江模型和综合单位线两种模型进行多方案比较。We use Xin'anjiang model and synthetic unit hydrograph as schemes of yield runoff & affluxion.

已有的大坝溃口实测流量过程线证实了该模型的合理性。The actual discharge hydrograph tests on the dam break have confirmed the rationality of the model.

探讨了日流量过程的分形特性,重点研究了分维估计方法。The methods for estimating fractal dimensions of daily flow hydrograph in a river are mainly presented.

应用水文过河缆道测验在传统水文测验中是一种行之有效的测验手段。Adopting hydrographic cableways to measure hydrological data is an effective way in traditional hydrograph.

通常核心函数可为定率系统之单位历线或序率系统之时间序列模式。The kernel function can be unit hydrograph of deterministic system or time series model of stochastic system.

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由瞬时单位线推求S曲线和时段单位线,可以得到城市雨水口径流的流量过程线。S curve, time unit hydro graph and surface runoff hydrograph can be gotten through instantaneous unit hydrograph.

由模拟演算结果可看出以滞洪池水位历线作为下游边界条件并以S。The water level hydrograph of detention basins took as boundary conditions and considered the rainfall loss by S.

介绍了基于应用划分的对称式集群和非对称式集群两种经典的分布式模型,分析两种经典模型在企业级应用中的缺陷。In this paper a distributed unit hydrograph model was built on the basis of GIS and applied in Jiangwan catchment.

在合成流量过程产生阶段,流量频率特性曲线被用在两种场景下产生了可能的流量过程。In the flow generation study, a possible hydrograph is constructed using the Flow Duration Curve for two scenarios.

对两种方法计算的设计洪水过程进行调洪演算,推求水库特征水位。The flood routing is carried on using above two flood hydrograph and the reservoir characteristic stage is computed.

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“阿氏法”是中小型工程规划设计中洪水过程线计算的主要方法。The Alekceef's method is a main method to calculate flood hydrograph in the medium and small project planning and designing.

深部含水系统水文过程线的波动在很大程度上记录了岩石圈的流脉动及一些地质过程的定向变化。The fluctuation of hydrograph in deep wells records the fluid pulsation in the lithosphere and variation of the Earth's crust.

故预测时并无法捉到眞值,而只是跟在实际历线后头而已。Without predetermined objectives, the predicted flows cannot catch the real values but follow the traces of the real hydrograph.

提出了模式单位线的概念和推求它的方法,这一模型可以增强单位线的代表性,便于预报方案的修改和完善。In terms of the model, the representativity of unit hydrograph is enhanced, and it is easy to modify and improve the runoff model.

故本复合式出流口设计,于入流条件相同下,其所需之最小滞洪容积较矩形窄口式为小。Therefore, the detention volume of compound outlets would be smaller than the rectangular outlets under the same inflow hydrograph.

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经用实测资料计算检验,此模型对小流域次暴雨侵蚀产沙过程及产沙总量的计算结果都具有较高的精度。Through examining with the observed data, the calculation precision of this model in sediment hydrograph and sediment load is high.

影响偏离的主要因素为时段洪量设计值的抽样误差和典型过程线的形状。The main factor which may have a strong impact on such a deviation is the sample errors of certain flood volumes in a flood hydrograph.

为了分析分布或半分布式水文模型计算单元的单位线,提出了一种基于面积-时间关系的单位线分析方法。Two unit hydrographs derived separately by the analysis method and the moments method are used to simulate a flood hydrograph in this basin.