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单语儿童不会回答。The monolingual children couldn’t answer.

但我们也有必要让那些单语的成年人也知道历史。But monolingual adults need to be reminded of the past too.

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当然,并非所有美国人都是单语言者。Not all the Americans are among a lingual monolingual , of course.

否认这一点就是坚持一种单一语言社会和单一语言个体的陈旧观念。To deny this is to uphold outdated concepts of monolingual societies and individuals.

比亚韦斯托克也正在研究双语者和单语者大脑之间的肉体差异。Bialystok is also studying physical differences between bilingual and monolingual brains.

但是10-12个月大的单语宝宝只对英语的对比音有响应。But at 10-12 months of age, monolingual babies only responded to the English contrasting sound.

我的藏书中有一大批词典,其中大部份是单语词典,少数属于历史词典。In my personal library I have a large collection of dictionaries. The majority are monolingual.

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虽然单语环境下儿童的大脑最后也会在这方面得到发展,但却不如双语环境下的儿童发展得快。Monolingual babies do eventually develop this brain process but not as soon as bilingual infants.

本文首先探索了基于单语料库的无监督中文词性标注。This paper first explores unsupervised part-of-speech tagging for Chinese via monolingual corpus.

早前有其它研究显示,单语宝宝要到六个月大后才能区分两种语言。Other studies have shown that monolingual babies make the distinction until they are 6 months old.

这项报告确定了多语思维和单语思维在某些方面的六个不同点。The report identifies six areas in which the multilingual mind differs in some way to the monolingual mind.

的英语和德语单语和双语在线在各个学科领域的词汇伟大的选择。A great selection of English and German monolingual and bilingual on-line glossaries in various subject areas.

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平均来讲,单语和双语小孩子都在一岁左右开始讲话,在18月的时候能够说大概50个字。On average, monolingual and bilingual babies start talking around age 1 and can say about 50 words by 18 months.

加拿大研究者在研究了单语家庭和双语家庭中生活的宝宝的录像后得出这些结论。Canadian researchers came to these conclusions after studying videos of babies from monolingual and bilingual homes.

这些宝宝有的来自双语家庭,有的来自单语家庭,虽然实验并没有关注各家庭所说的是哪种语言。They came from monolingual and bilingual families, although the study did not specify which languages the families spoke.

虽然‘机器’坏得更厉害了,但仍可以像患较少疾病的单语者的大脑一样运转。"Even though the 'machine' is more broken, they can function at the same level as a monolingual with less disease," she said.

澳大利亚大学的研究表明,单语国家通常在国际贸易和外交中表现不佳。Research by Australian universities has shown that a monolingual country often performs worse in international trade and diplomacy.

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随着每年入学新生的增加,单一语言老人的离去,网络的普及,该数据一直在上升。That number is soaring as each year brings new pupils to school and carries off monolingual oldies—and now as the Internet spreads.

如果你无法翻译一个生词,你就应首先在单语词典中查找这个生词的各种含义。You should first look up the words you don’t know in a monolingual dictionary given that you cannot translate a word you don’t understand.

通过在单语词典里查找单词,你能保证你选择的单词或短语实际上表达了你想的意思。By looking words up in a monolingual dictionary, you can make sure that the word or phrase you choose actually means what you think it does.