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因此,它真的是非常非常的巨大无比。So that is really, really humongous.

你可以在这里探索这幅最大的照片You can explore the humongous photo here

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它会引发更多的巨额收购吗?Will it inspire more humongous acquisitions?

仅仅100个变量,就可以创造出一群数量巨大无比的可能性。A mere 100 variables create a humongous swarm of possibilities.

伟大灰岩坑和塌方已沿着这条路线陆续出现。Humongous sinkholes and landslides have developed along this line.

我很好奇父亲和母亲的帐篷是哪里来的,居然可以那么大。I wonder where Mom and Father got their tents. Their tents are humongous.

那特大号家具你是采取了什么方法才成功将之塞进家门的呀!?How did you manage to squeeze that humongous furniture through the door! ?

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而实际上扎姆维尔得到的是一大把Groupon的股票。What the Samwer brothers really got was a humongous chunk of Groupon stock.

坚持下去,然后你就发现好处有很多。So stick to it, and just, you'll see that the merits are going to be humongous.

这些高校收取的学费极高,学费还包含雇主雇用学生实习的部分费用。These colleges charge humongous tuition fees expecting the employers to do the hiring part.

通过这张小小的图,我们很难测量出‘夏日三角’那巨大无比的体量。It's hard to gauge the humongous size of the Summer Triangle by looking at our little chart.

美敦力是全球领先的医疗科技公司,于1998年进入中国市场。Medtronic is a humongous medical technology world wide, and they've been in China since 1989.

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史前巨石阵的每块正面向上的石头平均重13.78吨,放在整个岛屿上。Humongous carved stone heads weighing an average of 13.78 tons are arranged all over the island.

非常非常多的设计师认为在网站上建立一个庞大的作品列表是件很紧要的事情。Many, many designers think building up a humongous portfolio to list on their website is what matters.

那么,那把雨伞就像一只硕大无比的苍蝇,反复不停地在你头上飞起落下,而且还是有间歇规律的。So, the umbrella just one humongous fly, repeatedly ceaselessly in your head, and at regular intervals.

这个夏天,店家在橱窗里搁了两只庞然的鸵鸟以展示他们的商品。This summer the store set up two humongous ostriches in their display windows to showcase their products.

有时,iPad带来的边缘利润,尤其是更为昂贵型号的效益,是相当巨大的。At the moment, Apple's profit margins on the iPad, especially the more expensive models, are truly humongous.

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巴克一直在生与死的边缘挣扎着,一直和一只巨大的白化变种的恐龙斗争着,在这种环境中的巴克极度的凶猛。Locked in an ongoing life-or-death struggle with a humongous albino dinosaur, Buck is more than just a tad mad.

那么,那把雨伞就像一只硕大无比的苍蝇,反复不停地在你头上飞起落下,而且还是有间歇规律的。Well then that umbrella was one humongous fly that kept landing on my head time after time and at regular intervals.

你可能必须狼吞虎咽地吃下一个超大的苹果才等于你所吃的那盘玉米脆片及一小匙――梨酱所含的热量。You'd have to gobble down a humongous apple to equal the calories in that plate of tortilla chips and guacamole dip.