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那宏大的酒神现象呢?What about that tremendous phenomenon of the Dionysian?

酒神精神是尼采的一个重要概念。Dionysian Spirit is a major concept of Nietzsche's philosophy.

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和「酒神的」都是形容词。它们用来修饰什麽名词?" and "Dionysian" are adjectives. What nouns can they be used to modify?

和「酒神的」都是形容词。它们用来修饰什麽名词?"Apollonian" and " Dionysian" are adjectives. What nouns can they be used to modify?

最早提出“酒神精神”这一概念者是伟大的唯意志论哲学家尼采。The first man who suggested the concept of Dionysian spirit is the great philosopher Nietzsche.

古希腊时期酒神祭祀仪式上酒与音乐结合方式主要有两种。Dionysian worship in ancient Greece during the ceremony with wine and music, there are two main ways.

这项传统据信是出自色雷斯人酒神节中类似的舞蹈。This tradition is also believed to come from the Thracians who may have danced similarly during Dionysian rituals.

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在中国现代文学中,启蒙理性对酒神精神的征用较为明显。In the modem Chinese literature, it is very obvious that the enlightenment reason takes over Dionysian spirit for use.

酒神精神对20世纪中国文学颇有影响,尤其与革命文学叙事纠缠甚深。Dionysian spirit has evident influence on the Chinese literature in the 20th century, especially on the revolution narration.

炽天使不仅仅是九级天使中最高的一级,而且还在奥尼修斯设计的体系的头三个一组中排行第一,紧跟着的是智天使和座天使。Not only are the seraphim the highest of the nine choirs, they are ranked first in the first triad of the Dionysian scheme, with the cherubim and the thrones.

理学湖湘学派与楚文化传统的冲突,实际上是日神式的中庸之道与酒神式的沉醉痴迷两种文化精神的对立。The contradiction between the Hu-xiang School of Neo-Confucianism and Chu culture is actually the opposition of two ethos, Apolloian mean and Dionysian intoxication.

酒神式的意识本质上是双性的,而这种意识对尼采来说却恰恰是月亮阴柔的,那种极度深邃的阴柔,迷人而可怕。Dionysian consciousness is essentially bisexual, and for Nietzsche it was precisely the lunar aspect of this consciousness, the abysmal depths of the feminine, that was both appealing and frightful.

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起源于古希腊文化中的酒神精神是尼采生命美学的根本,权力意志是酒神精神的别名,超人也是酒神精神的化身。Originated in ancient Greek culture in the Dionysian spirit is the fundamental life aesthetics Nietzsche, Will to Power is the Dionysian spirit alias, Superman is the embodiment of Dionysian spirit.

他褒扬希腊悲剧艺术,歌颂酒神精神,发现了潜藏在悲剧艺术中的人的强大生命力量和克服人生悲剧性的希望。Nietzsche compliments the art of tragedy in Greece, pays a tribute to the Dionysian spirit and discovers the strong life strength hidden in the tragedy art and the hope of overcoming the life tragedy.