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这里就使用了密码技术。There's cryptography going on.

密码学究竟是什么呢?Can you tell us what exactly cryptography is?

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好,我们等下讲讲密码学。Well, we'll talk before long about cryptography.

统和程序检查验证方面的应用的卓越贡献。And its application to cryptography and program checking.

这种新的细胞自动机在对称密码学中有广泛的应用。This novel CCCA is widely used in symmetrical cryptography.

嗯,目前我对现代密码学的了解还不多,Yeah. I don't really know a whole lot of modern cryptography yet

该成果将会推动未来数年的密码学研究。This work will drive research in cryptography for many years to come.

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以下是RSA的加密技术比ECC的比较要求。The following are requests for comparisons of RSA vs ECC cryptography.

他最终升任新共和国密码组组长。He would eventually ascend to Chief of Cryptography for the New Republic.

所有聪明的密码学家都表示跟踪比特币交易很困难。All the clever cryptography means BitCoin dealings are difficult to trace.

关于加密算法的文章确实包含了很多高深数学逻辑。The articles on cryptography do contain a great deal of mathematical depth.

在现代密码学中,杂凑函数占据基础而又重要的地位。Cryptographic hash functions play a fundamental role in modern cryptography.

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单向限门函数在公钥密码学中有着重要的应用。One-way trapdoor function has impotents applications in public cryptography.

这些性质可以被用于量子通讯和量子密码术。These properties can be used to quantum communication and quantum cryptography.

他们发明了每个人都在使用的大型密码。And they created this like, really big form of cryptography that everybody uses.

自1999年起,我们每年都为其椭圆曲线加密技术研究工作室提供赞助。Since 1999, we have sponsored their annual Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

门限密码学提供了一种安全的密钥共享方法。Threshold cryptography provides a way in which the secret key can be shared secretly.

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要请求证书,您需要使用加密软件生成一个密钥对。To request a certificate, you need to generate a keypair using cryptography software.

相反的,许多密码学的组成要素是建立在已被深入研究的数学问题之上。Instead many building blocks of cryptography rely on well-studied mathematics problems.

Shiro的Cryptography支持就是为了减少你在确保数据安全上付出的努力。Shiro’s Cryptography support is meant to simplify your efforts to keep your data secure.