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从总的收支看.南海地区是一个水汽汇区。The SCS is a moisture sink area.

机组LCU是监控系统中的基础和核心部分。Turbine LCU is the base of core of SCS.

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证明谐振子的任何状态都是薛定谔相干态。It is shown any states of harmonic oscillator are SCS.

海牙法庭的南海裁决即将公布。The Court RULING of THE HAUGE is to be released soon on SCS.

南海北部陆缘是离散型大陆边缘。The northern continental margin of the SCS is a divergent one.

欢迎前来了解详情,藉机认识西雅图华文学校的其他学生家长!Come to learn more about these topics and meet other SCS parents!

如果学生证丢失请立既通知汉学院办公室。Please report your case to the office of SCS if you loose the ID.

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南海北部环流系统主要受气旋环流所支配。The northern SCS is dominated mainly by a cyclonic circulation system.

南海季风爆发与海温异常的关系是比较复杂的。The relationship between the onset of SCS summer monsoon and SSTA is complex.

相对来说,印度夏季风槽比南海夏季风槽强且深厚。The Indian summer monsoon trough is stronger than the SCS one in most factors.

日本完全有权对中国在南海和东海的非法行为感到担忧并采取行动。Japan has every right to fear and halt China's aggressive and unlawful takeover of scs and ecs.

SCS专业及合法引进来自柬埔塞,印尼,菲律宾,越南的女佣。SCS is professional and licensed recruiter maids from Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippine and Vietnam.

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控制了南海就能控制亚洲经济。中国已经知道了这一点,还采取了相应行动。He who controls the SCS controls the economics of Asia. China knows this, and is acting accordingly.

介绍了基于FPGA的太阳能真空集热管磁控溅射镀膜机控制系统的整体设计和工程实现过程。This paper introduces an integrated design and implementation of the SCS control system based on FPGA.

介绍了卫星网管的特点,分析了仿真测试系统应该具备的特点和功能。Characteristics about SCS NCCs are introduced, and the functions a S&T system should have are analyzed.

1946年后,菲律宾的小学,中学和高等院校的教材里都说南海是中国的一部分。Felipepeng primary , secondary and tertiary school curricula after 1946 taught the SCS was part of China.

俄罗斯虽已撤出了金兰湾军事基地,但在南中国海仍然有着巨大的经济利益。Russia has withdrawn from Cam Ranh Bay, but still has a lot of economic interests in the area of the SCS.

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研究牛胎儿睾丸支持细胞对牛早期胚胎的体外发育是否有促进作用。In order to study the effect of bovine fetal SCs feeder layer on the development of bovine zygotes in vitro.

根据前冬南海海温预测1998年南海夏季风爆发的时间和强度与实际相符。Prediction of the onset of 1998' SCSSM based on SST during the prior period in SCS is consistent with the fact.

根据超声背散射信号质心偏移量的大小,可用于评价松质骨健康状况。According to the size of SCS of ultrasonic backscattered signals, the status of cancellous bone may be assessed.