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不行,那更糟糕。No, that's worse.

但事情却变得更糟。But it gets worse.

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这变得更糟。It gets even worse.

要是情况变得更糟……?What if it gets worse?

我们有退步的可能吗?Could we do worse? Yes.

第二次下马时更糟。Next time it was worse.

但是也许会更糟糕。But they might be worse.

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她的做法更加过分She did something worse.

根据美国运动医学学院的研究,患感冒时进行锻炼不会使病情加重。not make the cold worse.

一切变得更糟。Everything becomes worse.

这才让事情更糟糕了。That makes it even worse.

他对她越坏。The worse he treated her.

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你比鬼祟还要坏。You're worse than sneaky.

我曾有过更惨的离别。I have had worse partings.

比姆指还糟!It's worse than the thumb!

毫不逊色,一点也不差。Not a halfpenny the worse.

更糟糕的是没有人在乎。Worse still, no one cares.

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那是谁更糟糕?By the way, which is worse?

他对待我比以前更坏了。He used me worse than ever.

风刮得更厉害了。The wind was blowing worse.