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我喜欢男人般刚毅吗?Do I like my manliness?

对大多数男人来说,男子气概就是他们的一切。Manliness for most dudes is all they have.

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我想表现出全新的男子汉气概,这也是真的。It was also true that I wanted to show off my new manliness.

我没事好吗。现在看我怎么样用男子气概去吸引女生吧。来吧。I'm fine! Okey? Now watch me impress some ladies with my manliness. Come on.

他以他的义气忠诚和男子气概被认知,但是当他害羞时被动时被喜爱。He is known for his loyalty and manliness , but he's shy when it gets to love.

我敢打包票我十足旳男性可以吸引那些大傻美女旳眼睛。I was sure that my manliness could attract girls who were stupidly attractive.

但是,问题就在于女人根本就不愿意看见男人放弃自己的地位和“男子气概”。But the problem is that women DON'T WANT you to give up your status and "manliness".

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我给你我的书中所能蕴含的一切悟力,以及我生活中所能有的男子气概和幽默。I offer you whatever insight my books may hold. whatever manliness or humour my life.

蓄须是表达一种男子气概并作为区分男女的符号。It is an expression of manliness and as such a sign, which distinguishes men from women.

我在北爱尔兰长大,在这儿,给你的同事买酒喝是一种男子汉的象征。I grew up in Northern Ireland where it’s a show of manliness to buy your mates the first round.

可以说,这类人在人格上已经达到顶点,他向人们展示了英勇无畏的性格,体现了果敢坚定的最高信念。He then exhibits character in its most intrepid form, and embodies the highest idea of manliness.

对他们来说,承认孤独是软弱可笑的、缺乏男人气概的表现。They regard admitting loneliness as weakness, as ridiculous and as an expression of a lack of manliness.

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你可以翻出工具箱,做一些家庭的小修理来展示你的男子气概和证明你值得信赖。You can prove your manliness and general worth by dusting off the toolbox and doing a little home repair.

我想,有些男人害怕显露他们女性的一面,好像养育子女多少会夺走他们男子汉的气概似的。I think some men fear their feminine side, as if being nurturing would take away from their manliness somehow.

大多数的外籍男孩都相信,为自己的女朋友拎包是完全有违男士作风的行为。Most foreign boyfriends believe that carrying a handbag of a girlfriend is basically the opposite of manliness.

现在独立的男人想要粘人的女子来衬托他的男子气概,并在他的朋友面前肯定他的吸引力。Independent man now wants a clingy woman to endorse his manliness and confirm his desirability in front of his mates.

曼斯菲尔德在这本备受争议的书中主张,男子气概已被女权主义和提倡中性的社会所绑架。In his controversial book, Mansfield argues that manliness has been hijacked by feminism and advocates of gender-neutral society.

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他用,“virtu“这个意大利字“,它保留了拉丁文,“人“的字根“,或,wir人的意思,vir,,wir,,man,转译成英文的最加替代字,and,virtu,,a,word,that,is,perhaps,可能是,“男子气概His word "virtu," which a word that retains the Latin word for the word "man," vir virtu " best translated or, by our word, "manliness."

这可能会为懒散的年轻人注入刚毅,但不太可能缓解日本和邻国的关系。This may imbue Japan's shiftless youth with manliness , but it is unlikely to ease Japan's relations with its neighbours. There is no getting away from history.

在寂静的充满剧痛的美好夜晚,他说上帝可以原谅罪过,但笨拙被天地所不容,记住,时间就是金钱。Good night In all the silent manliness of grief. , God may forgive sins, he said, but awkwardness has no forgiveness in heaven or earth, Remember, that time is money.