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这偶尔也是你可以提供的最好的帮助。It is also occasionally the best hel can give.

当我学数学有困难时,他经常帮助我。He often hel me with maths when I have difficulty in it.

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一个凭单系统帮助维护控制现金支付。A voucher system hel maintain control over cash di ursements.

我们编撰本词典的目的就是为你组织整理所有这些数据。We?ve compiled thi dictionary to hel organize all that data for you.

美国已经下地狱了,可几乎没有人注意到或者关心!!!Amerika has gone to hel in a handbasket and few even notice or care! ! ! !

它不仅使我越来越加强,而且帮助我知道生活许多真谛。It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also hel ps me know many truths of life.

美国运通并不负责支付任何过期还款及所引致之利息收费。American Express will not gbe hel sd liable for any overdue payment or interest incurred.

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尼尔。帕特里克。哈里斯是迷人的,自我指涉的,他的加入恰恰能帮到蓝精灵。Neil Patrick Harris is charming and self-referential, and his inclusion can only hel The Smurfs.

现在,我离家很远,我忍不住会想我爸妈,所以我每周末都会给家里打电话。Now, I live very far from home, and I can't hel but miss my parents, so I make a call home every weekend.

原型排泄分数有助于评估肾病或肝病对药物消除的潜在影响。The fraction excreted unchanged hel ae the potential effect of renal and hepatic diseases on drug elimination.

因此,海尔在等待即将到来的最后时间和在另一侧的黑社会神战贴壁纸。Thus Hel was waiting coming of the last time and papering for the battle with Gods in another side of underworld.

是的,有,但是不希望的那样多。练习说英语太重要了。它对我找工作非常有用。Yes, I do, but not as much as I would like to. It's so important now to try and eak English. It hel in the job market.

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中国赞美所有人,直到发现别人的立场和自己不一,然后就开始各种威胁恐吓。China praise everyone until they discover that they have a different opinion, then all hel breaks loose, with threats, intimidation.

通过对模拟热晕流场热晕的光学层析干涉测量,验证了该方法的可行性和可靠性。The optical tomography of thermal blooming is presented in this paper, and it can measure HEL inner beam thermal blooming non intrusively.

另外,我们还以K562细胞和HEL细胞为模型研究了轻基脉这一胎儿型珠蛋白的诱导剂对内源FKLF表达的影响。Furthermore, we studied whether hydroxyurea, a kind of inducer of fetal hemoglobin, had effect on endogenous FKLF expression in K562 and HEL cells.

该方法和部分结果对高能激光系统激光器的优化设计,激光内通道冷却方式以及自适应光学校正能力设计参数的选取具有一定的参考价值。The research method and some results in this paper are useful for the optimization of HEL system, cooling-down method of inner channel and selecting of AO parameters.

高能激光器技术演示样机是一种移动的固态激光武器系统,该系统将装载于战术地面车辆上实施火箭、火炮和迫击炮对抗。As a mobile, solid-state laser weapon system, HEL TD will be mounted on a tactical ground vehicle to counter rockets, artillery and mortars across the spectrum of conflict.

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方法构建EDRF1真核正义和反义表达载体,转染HEL细胞并筛选稳定表达细胞克隆。Methods EDRF1 sense and antisense constructs were transfected into HEL cells, then the expression of globin and erythropoietin receptor gene was identified by Northern blot analysis.

许多已有的高能激光技术,如气动和化学激光器技术的运转时间短,因而总燃料也有限。Many existing HEL technologies, such as those of gas dynamic and chemical lasers, have been developed for applications requiring short total operating time and, hence, limited total fuel.

开展大规模的教育运动是目前唯一行之有效的手段,因此认为这种运动难度大、代价高而无法实施完全是一种自暴自弃的态度。A massive educational campaign is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can hel to argue that this campaign is difficult, expensive and therefore impossible would be quite self-defeating.