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这一项是静电力的作用。This is electrostatics right here.

指前因子校正了所有的静电力。The pre-factor embodies all the electrostatics.

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静电学这门科学是悠久的,但又是崭新的。The science of electrostatics is ancient, yet novel.

研究由静电引起的效应的科学。Electrostatics The studies of the effects caused by static electricity.

指出静电场具有催化效应,静电催陈可以大大缩短酒类自然老熟的周期。Ageing by electrostatics can greatly shorten the cycle in which wine is aged in ordinary conditions.

对导体平板构成的角域内具有线电荷密度的静电场进行了求解。Static field with line charge density in angular space of conductor electrostatics is formally described.

重点讨论活性炭纤维植绒的工艺及其吸附性能。Discuss emphatically on the process of electrostatics flocking of activated carbon fiber and its adsorbability.

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本文阐述了FRP材料产生静电的机理及克服静电的方法,并研制出适应于内浮顶的抗静电型FRP材料。This paper describes the electrostatic mechanism of FRP composites and resolution to overcoming electrostatics.

静电学目前正被应用于矿物分离喷漆和干法涂料。Electrostatics is currently being used for separation of minerals, for paint spraying , and for dry coating applications.

对于试验中出现的油液雾化分叉现象,本文依静电学原理作了定性的理论分析。Oil atomization forking phenomenon in experiment has been qualitatively analyzed from electrostatics theory in the thesis.

由于沉积在静电除尘器收尘极板上的高比电阻粉尘层会产生电荷积累而形成附加电场。The mathematical models of the charges and the additional electric field in the changed dust layer are developed by the electrostatics.

有一插座在蓄电球顶端供你放入像香蕉等你需要的东西做静电示范之用。A receptacle hole in the top of the charging sphere holds the accessories or banana plugs you need for your electrostatics demonstrations.

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随着油轮静电的逐步深入和整个静电学科的发展,油轮静电起电机理和起电规律逐渐被人们所认识。With the tanker electrostatics and the whole electrostatics developing, thecharging mechanism and law of tankers have been found by people.

后来马斯登提出了这个模型,就像你们通过8。02的考试一样2,你们学过了静电学和电动力学,你也能做这些分析。So, Marsden came up with the model, and as you go through 8.02 and you understand electrostatics and electrodynamics, you'll be able to do this analysis.

在静电学中,任意线电荷圆弧的空间势分布是一个典型而有意义的非线性物理学问题。In the classroom of college physics the potential distribution of an arbitrary linear charged circular arc is a typical and meaningful electrostatics problem.

通过静电学、低频交流、直流等电路实例,质疑了电势零点问题,并对此进行了澄清。Through electrostatics and examples of low-frequency alternating current and direct-current circuit, the problem of zero potential point is queried and clarified.

水盘采用电镀锌板静电粉沫喷涂,如需其它材料或要求请订货时注明。Coils are galvanized with zinc and coated with electrostatics powder. If you need any other material or have other requirements, please mark out while placing orders.

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利用水泥、环氧类塑料铺设的整体式防静电地坪,是保证防静电设计良好的重要方式之一。It's one of the important things to ensure good design of keeping anti electrostatics by using ensembled anti electrostatics floor paved by concrete or epoxy plastics.

针对国内电子产品制造业人体静电防护的现状,提出人体静电综合防护系统的概念。The concept of comprehensive safety system of electrostatics on human body is proposed in view of the existing situation in domestic manufacturing of electronic products.

对静电学中用电象法求解两无穷大接地金属板间楔形区域内的电场的题目,利用群论方法加以讨论,给出了可求解的条件及一般的象电荷分布。A sort of electrostatics problem that using electric image method to solve the electric field in the wedge area between two infinite earthing metal boards are discussed using group theory.