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您的汽化器怎么样?。How about your carburettor?

如果发动机空转得太慢或太快,应该调整汽化器。If an engine ticks over slowly or too fast an adjustment must be made to the carburettor.

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该分层扫气系统由曲轴箱、主扫气道、副扫气道、分层管、笛簧阀和化油器等组成。The Scavenging system is composed of crankcase, main scavenging passage, sub passage stratifying pipe, reed valve and carburettor.

尖端的螺丝刀已经取得了淬硬钢已地面提供一个长期的生活和一个确切的化油器的设立。The tip of the screw driver has been made of hardened steel which has been ground to provide a long life and a precise carburettor set-up.

介绍了JY55T摩托车化油器电气自动阻风门的工作原理、工作特性和技术要求。This paper illustrates the working principle, working characteristic and technical requirement of carburettor automatic choke on JY55T motorcycle.

当女人感到受了伤害,不说话了,男人认为她需要空间,于是就和朋友一起去酒吧,或去清理汽车里的化油器。When a woman feels hurt, she shuts off and a man thinks she needs space and so he goes to the pub with his friends or cleans the carburettor in his car.

这3端口电机是一个入门级发动机,采用了大量的黑白头,易于调整化油器和优质材料的使用。This 3 port motor is an entry level engine that features a large black and white head, easy to tune carburettor and good quality materials used throughout.

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分析了化油器式汽油发动机怠速工况下HC与CO的排放特点,研究了治理的措施,并设计出实用的净化装置。The letting characteristic of HC and CO when gasoline engine using carburettor in idle speed, studying the way of administer, a new purify device had been designed.

以前面的例子来说,在气缸活塞和汽化器到位前,将发动机装配到摩托车架是没有意义的。Using the example from earlier, it does not make sense to mount the engine of the bike to the frame of the bike before the pistons and carburettor are in place yet.

台架试验结果表明,电控喷射式二冲程汽油机与化油器式二冲程汽油机相比,在燃油经济性和排放指标两方面都有明显的改善。The dynamometer test results showed that both fuel economy and exhaust emission with the electronic injection system were improved obviously compared to carburettor type ones.