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连串绑架事件的幕后主脑乃一名叫火狼的野心家。The connected kidnapping event's secret control central is a named fire wolf's careerist.

在多伦多这个追名逐利者之都,陌生人见面彼此并不说“你好吗?”In Toronto, the careerist capital of Canada, when strangers meet, they don't say "How do you do?"

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在你孩子还没开始走路前就回去工作,你正冒险使自己看上去像个冷酷的野心家。Return to work before your baby has started to walk and you risk being seen as a ruthless careerist.

丹尼斯知道这些批评来自华盛顿的坏蛋,他们害怕打破现状。Dennis saw that criticism as coming from a typical Washington careerist being afraid to rock the boat.

我是一个兴趣爱好广泛的人,我希望“她”是一个有教育、心地善良、忠实于家庭和感情的人。I am a careerist , as some of my friends said, but actually I can be a devoted family man on the other hand.

一句话,没有啥教育意义。2、俺不懂政治,人家都说懂政治的都是野心家。In a word, not what educational value. 2, I do not understand politics, people understand that all the political careerist.

在多伦多这个追名逐利者之都,陌生人见面彼此并不说“你好吗?”取而代之的是“你干什么工作?”In Toronto, the careerist capital of Canada, when strangers meet, they don't say "How do you do?" They say "What do you do?"

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如果人人都明白这个道理,恐怕便不会发生一些野心家为争夺名利而不择手段的事情了。If everyone understands the reason, I am afraid there will not be a quest for fame and fortune while some careerist unscrupulous things.

竞选后期,老布什那一方渐渐处于败势,他委派的许多政治投机分子纷纷开始向媒体曝料,说他们肯定没有做错事。Later in the campaign, with Bush sinking, a lot of his careerist appointees started leaking to the press that it was anybody’s fault but theirs.

作为高级人才和职业经理人,如果您在2009年有更换工作的打算,或者正在急于搜寻新的职业机会,那么更新您的简历可以说刻不容缓。As an advanced job seeker and careerist , updating your resume is on your top agenda if you want to change your job or searching a new career opportunity in the year 2009.