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钢管和水平“内部讲师”电木握把。Steel pipe and level by "TTT" Bakelite grips.

十点半的时候,外壳用胶木做的电话响了。The big black Bakelite phone rang at half past ten.

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这就是1909年首次生产销售用胶木的实际情况。That was how the first Bakelite was made for sale in 1909.

与赛璐珞不同,胶木不会着火或融化。But unlike Celluloid, Bakelite would not catch on fire or melt.

但胶木依然广泛地应用。But Bakelite is still being made, for wide-ranging applications.

胶木公司与设计师紧密合作,以推广塑料。Bakelite Corp. worked closely with designers to promote the plastic.

对于苛刻的温度、酸和湿度,胶木几乎坚不可摧。Impervious to temperature, acids and moisture, Bakelite was nearly indestructible.

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胶木手柄,耐温性好,轻巧方便,气量大。Bakelite handle, fine heat-resistance , handy, convenient, large quantity of steam.

另外,胶木是一种热固性塑料,一经成型,便不能再次熔化。Plus, Bakelite was a thermoset, a plastic that once formed, cannot be melted again.

当胶木问世时,市场上还没有出现更安全的版本,醋酸纤维素。And a safer version, cellulose acetate, was not on the market yet when Bakelite came out.

胶木在汽车和电器产品仍然有一些传统的应用。Bakelite still has some of its classic applications in automotive and electrical products.

彩塘镇华兴五金配件厂是一家具有一定规模的五金电木配件厂。Caitang Huaxing Hardware Accessory Factory is a scale hardware bakelite accessory enterprise.

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1909年一痊名叫贝克赖特的比利时发明家发明了第一代的现代塑料。In 1909, a Belgian inventor by the name of Bakelite invented the first of the modern plastics.

通用电气在1909年授权生产胶木绝缘体,然后开始开发自己的树脂。General Electric licensed Bakelite as an insulator in 1909, then began to develop its own resins.

当胶木用作砂轮中虫胶的专利替代品时,另一项创新出现了。Another innovation came when Bakelite was patented as a replacement for shellac in grinding wheels.

千百万收音机带着胶木进入美国家庭,使之成为现代生活的一种象征。Millions of radios brought Bakelite into the American home, helping it become a symbol of modern life.

他原来的计划是许可其他公司来制造胶木,而他将充当顾问。His original plan was to license other companies to manufacture Bakelite. He would act as a consultant.

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1922年,他通过谈判将通用胶木、雷德曼诺尔和康迪希特合并成立了胶木股份公司。In 1922, he negotiated a merger between General Bakelite , Remanol and Condensite to form Bakelite Corp.

基体是在磨削中起支托作用的,由金属、电木或陶瓷等材料组成。Matrix in the grinding care to play the role of support, from metal, Bakelite or ceramic materials such as composition.

此系列机型适用于易塑性原料之成型作业。如橡胶、美耐皿、电木、素尿粉、发泡、杀车来令片……等。Excellent design plasticity materials such as rubber, melamine, Bakelite , urea, powder, foam, brake lining sheets, etc.