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好运,亲爱的莉莉。Gook luck, dear Lily.

很好听,哇。祝你好运,伙计。Beautiful, wow. Gook luck, man.

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你领会什么好的大夫吗?Do you know the besty gook doctor?

我要去面试一份工作。祝你好运。I have a job interview. Gook luck.

好主意,柳茵,我们请定了。Gook idea, Liu Yin, we certainly must.

别人的缺点就是自己的好老师。Other people's defects are gook teachers.

我认为这是不会有什么好结果。I don't think it will lead to a gook result.

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他们从密苏里州的圣路易岛太平洋岸,花了一年半时间。It gook them a year and a half to go from St.

那么你认为小张能成为一个好老师?。Then you think Xiao Zhang would make a gook teacher?

棉和亚麻非常适合在夏季穿着。Cotton and linen are very gook for wearing in summer.

这种金属能经得住巨大的磨损。The metal can stand up to a gook deal of wear and tear.

最后时刻,东哲去救出了老国,赶到现场阻止啦。At the last minute, DC saved Gook and rushed to stop them.

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购物优惠券是吸引顾客的好方法。Shopping vouchers are often a gook means of attracting customers.

他们从密苏里州的圣路易岛太平洋岸,花了一年半时间。It gook them a year and a half to go from St. Louis, Missouri, to the Pacific Ocean.

1991年冷战的结束,为全球或地区性的军控与裁军创造了良好的环境,但在东南亚却出现了扩充军务的“逆裁军”。The end of Cold War in 1991 created gook environment for global or regional arms control and disarmament.

卵子是人体内最大的细胞,含有大量的水份,冷冻时会形成大量冰晶体破坏卵子细胞。"These are the biggest cells in the body. They contain huge amounts of water that form massive ice crystals. These are what burst the cells, " says Gook.