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程序启动街区。BBL Program boot block.

本文对BBL结群及其在布局中的应用进行了研究。In this paper, the clustering of BBL is researched.

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用氯化碘掺杂的BBL膜也进行了对照研究。The BBL film doped by ICl was also studied as a contrast.

目前石油泄漏的速度估计为5000万桶每天,而且在增加中。The spill is leaking at a rate currently estimated to be increasing by 5, 000 bbl. of oil a day.

根据可查到的新的油田的数据,总共有两万零一百三十亿桶可生产的石油。Based on the available data about new oil fields, there are 2,013 billion bbl. of total producible oil.

雪佛龙的广告说世界现在每发现一桶石油就要燃烧两桶石油。One of Chevron's ads says the world is currently burning 2 bbl. of oil for every barrel of new oil discovered.

后端总线逻辑。访问内部统一二级处理器缓存的后端总线接口逻辑。BBL Back-side Bus Logic. Logic for interface to the back-side bus for accesses to the internal unified level two processor cache.

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底边界层动物的丰度,在细砂底质环境的站住最低,在具有粉砂-崭土底质环境的站住皆较高。The total abundance of BBL fauna at the station with fine sand sediments was lower than that at the station with silt-clay sediments.

观察到使用苯甲酸苄酯洗液或氯菊酯的治疗妇女和对照组的妊娠结局没有显著差异。No significant differences in pregnancy outcomes were observed between women treated with either BBL or permethrin and their matched controls.

中国近海底边界动力过程、颗粒物输运与物质交换的多时空尺度变化规律,奠定基础。The other is the multi spatial and temporal scale variation of BBL processes, particles transport and water-sediment exchange in Chinese coastal seas.

根据美国环境署资料,高铁和汽车或者飞机相比每公里使用能源最少,而一个全国范围的系统将能每年减少使用1.25亿桶的石油。According to Environment America, high-speed rail uses a third less energy per mile than auto or air travel, and a nationwide system could reduce oil use by 125 million bbl. a year.

BlOENV分析表明,水深、底层水温及底质类型是影响海洋底边界层动物种类组成与丰皮的重妥因数。The BIO-ENV analysis revealed that water depth, bottom temperature and sediment type are all the important environmental factors influencing upon the species and abundance of BBL fauna.