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要是我是你,我就选拔这种产品。If I were you Iad choose this product.

苹果公司没有透露苹果电视销售情况和iAd广告的销售收入。Apple did NOT disclose Apple TV unit sales or iAd revenue.

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星期五早晨我要驱车五英里去观看我心爱的拳击赛。Iad drive five miles on Friday night to see a fight that I like.

当然,开发者完全可以在使用其他网络平台的同时使用iAD平台。Developers can, however, use other networks even while using iAd.

谈到iAd广告业务,其业务已经扩大到美国以外的欧洲和日本,主要为市场营销人员提供iAd广告生成器。Talking about iAd, expanded beyond US to Europe and Japan and provided iAd producer to marketers.

我们听说过“网络成瘾症”或网络成瘾有一段时间了,但这是一个有争议的话题。We’ve heard about “Internet Addiction Disorder” or IAD for some time, but it’s a controversial subject.

结果表明,离子辅助淀积对金属膜性能的改善与对介质膜性能的改善一样显著。The result shows that IAD is significant in improving the properties of the metal films as well as the medium films.

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广告公司需要收集此类数据帮助进行广告投放,没有这些数据,他们将很难与iAd竞争。Ad networks need such data to help target their ads, and without it, they would have a difficult time competing with iAd.

如果你明确许可,苹果将与iAd的客户共享你当前的位置信息,以帮助后者精准投放广告。your current location, which it shares, if you explicitly approve it, with iAd customers to help them target their pitches

方法采用分层整群抽样方法,对网络成瘾者和非网络成瘾者进行比较。Methods By using stratified and cluster sampling method compared IAD and non-IAD among 1475 students from several colleges.

iAd标志着苹果首次进入这一潜在的厚利新市场,将正面冲击谷歌的搜索引擎广告模式。iAd marks Apple's first foray into a potentially lucrative new market, and pits it directly against Google's search engine advertising model.

不过有趣的是,iAD的范例广告都是我们已经在社交网站上惯常见到的大品牌广告。But it’s interesting that the sample advertisements release for iAd were the same big-brand advertising that we’ve grown used to seeing on social websites.

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移动广告管理平台还是能做一些事情的,如果苹果愿意支持更多,或者推送一些广告到谷歌平台上。Ad-management platforms can fill space with an iAd if Apple is willing to serve one, or it can move on to the next ad on the list, served through Google, for example.

有一部分开发者已经反馈他们已经从iAD广告平台获得了丰厚的回报,但是这些人也表示了对这些数字是否能持续增长的关心。Several developers have reported seeing tremendous returns on the iAd platform, but those who spoke with Digits said they didn’t believe those results were sustainable.

多数国家保险立法并没有规定保险人说明义务制度,而是运用合意规则、诚实信用原则以及有关格式合同管制规则来处理这一问题。Many countries insurance legislation have no regulations of IAD. The acceptability rule, Good-Faith rule and the formatted contract controlled rule are used to dispose the case.