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确实,不过我已经告诉过你无数次了。No, but I've told you a zillion times.

无数方式敬佩,爱并且尊敬他!Zillion ways to admire, love and honor him!

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只有一个钥匙孔和数不清的钥匙,你自己算吧。I got one keyhole and about a zillion keys. You do the math.

我和妈妈在一起微笑的照片一定多得都数不清了。I must have a zillion pictures of Mom and me smiling together.

你可能已经在橄榄球赛上听到过无数遍了You've probably heardit eight zillion times at football games.

问一个孩子说出一个非常大的数字,他们常常会说出zillion。Ask a child to name a really big number and they will often go for a zillion.

他们要么生出少数几个保护得很好的孩子,要么产出亿万个未保护的孩子。They can either produce a few well-protected offspring or a zillion unprotected ones.

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我的故事不会摔成数不清的带血的碎片,和一千吨重燃烧着的飞机被埋到一起。And my story won't get bashed into a zillion bloody shreds and then burned with a thousand tons of burning jet.

但我刚打开电视,父母就来找我谈话了,责任心讲座之第三千五百万零一讲。But as soon as I turn on the TV, parents want to talk to me. Responsibility lecture number one zillion and one.

世界上有亿万种雪,蕾妮说,没有两种看上去一模一样。可你怎么记得哪种是哪种?There are a million zillion kinds, says Nenny. No two exactly alike. Only how do you remember which one is which?

你每天碰触无数次的东西——iPhone、黑莓手机、键盘、电脑鼠标—都是细菌的集中携带者。The things you touch a zillion times a day--iPhone, BlackBerry, keyboard, computer mouse--are big carriers of germs.

不过,与桌面版本有数不胜数的功能相比,而移动应用程序肯定是相对简单了。But while the desktop version is know for having a zillion features, the mobile app is distinguished by its simplicity.

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我们再次有,为使问题简单,没有速度,使v2为,的速度为v1,and,m1,has,a,velocity,v1。,你们已经见过无数次。m2 And m2, we will have again, to make life a little simple, 0 no speed, v2 equals zero, m1 you've seen this now a zillion times.

大象也不能从那根细绳逃跑了,即使它有能力推动比小细条重千万倍的沉重的木材。Nor the elephant that escaping form the thin rope even though it is capable of pushing heavy logs, a zillion times the weight of the thin twig.

因为此软件包含了大量微小文件,所以其性能将受到文件系统关联软件如反病毒程序的巨大影响。Since this software contains roughly a zillion tiny little files, its performance is severely impacted by filesystem hook software like antivirus programs.

如果没有使用煤炭,石油和天然气作为燃料,化肥,塑料和数不胜数的其他用途的原料,我们人类到目前为止的发展就不会如此之远,如此之快。Without coal, oil and natural gas used as fuel, fertilizer, raw material for plastics and a zillion other uses, we would not have leapt so far and so fast.

肯定不公平,但是那三十分钟和平时是不一样的,在那三十分钟内,我们会聊一聊天,也会像疯子一样地冲着对方喊叫。Definitely not, but that 30-minute time-out is the difference between us talking to each other or screaming like maniacs. It's made our relationship a zillion times better.

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虽然我们可以通过大量的报道、博客、网上评论、报告和Twitter信息对纳税情况有所了解,但是,谁又真的了解最近几个月以来美国公司缴纳公司所得税的详细情况呢?There have been a zillion stories, blog posts, online comments, reports, tweets, and who knows what else in recent months about how much income tax U.S. companies do or don't pay.

如果你回头看看19世纪温度计,刚开始使用的时候,那时有不计其数的不同温标,每个人都有他们自己最喜欢的温标,我们最熟悉的是,摄氏温标,用水银,作为工作物质,水银的体积是所用的性质。And if you go back into the 1800's when thermodynamics was starting, there were a zillion different temperatures scales Everybody had their own favorite temperature scale The one that we're most familiar with is the centigrade or Celsius scale where mercury was the substance, and the volume of mercury is the property.