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它能轻易地拯救或毁坏一个人。It saves or destroys lustily.

孩子们拉开嗓门使劲唱。The children sang out lustily.

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那些幼小的植物茁壮成长。The young plants grew lustily.

我每日早晨高歌一曲。I lustily sing a song every morning.

我们全都劲头十足地加入了合唱。All of us joined lustily in the chorus.

那个男孩坐在高处起劲地唱。The boy sat on the perch and sang lustily.

小约翰大哭着跑楼下。Little Johnny came downstairs bellowing lustily.

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可是,后来她听见他在床上哭得死去活来。Later, however, she heard him weeping lustily in his bed.

好象受到一只看不见的手的影响,双胞胎开始放声大哭。As if cued by an invisible hand both twins began crying lustily.

赶驴子的人看见他停住了,就拿起鞭子在他身上使力抽打,并且说。Thedriver seeing him thus stop , laid his whip lustily about his shoulders , and said.

安德鲁自出生那一刻起便显示出自己的强势存在,一饿就会放声大哭。Andrew asserted himself from the moment of his birth, crying lustily when he was hungry.

讨厌的插科打诨和令人惊讶的曲折最终会带给你的乐趣和笑声再次响亮!Nasty gags and surprising twists will bring you ultimate fun and lustily laughs once again!

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在这样一种经济中,个人必须不断地拼命消费,以免经济陷入衰退之中。In such an economy, the individual must spend continually and lustily lest the economy fall into recession.

有很多矮个子也可以锻炼得非常强壮,而有的高个子却非常瘦弱,这是运营能力的区别。A lot of a short person also can take exercise very lustily , and some tall men are very skinny however, this is the distinction of operation ability.

那些热情地和她们交谈,欢快地和她们歌唱,自由自在地和她们在林中野宿的男子们,不用说都欲望勃勃地想更进一步。The young men with whom they talked so passionately and sang so lustily and camped under the trees in such freedom wanted, of course, the love connexion.

我不准备写颂歌,那会令人沮丧。可是我要像黎明时分的雄鸡一样,在栖木上引吭高歌,只为唤醒我的邻居。I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up.

就像我以前说过的,我不想写一首沮丧的颂歌,只是想像雄鸡一样在早晨激情地歌唱,站在自己的栖木上,仅仅是为了把邻人唤醒。As I have said, I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up.

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我已经说过,我不预备写一首沮丧的颂歌,可是我要像黎明时站在栖木上的金鸡一样,放声啼叫,即使我这样做只不过是为了唤醒我的邻人罢了。As I have said, I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up.

一阵刺痛将我惊醒,只见输液管内已有鲜红的血液,我想大声呼救,可是却怎么也叫不出声来。But a fit stabbing pain wakes me up , see that the transfer line inner already has scarlet blood , I want to cry out lustily for help only, why also shouts but not uttering coming.

我是个幸运的女孩,父母的思想很传统,笃信宗教。我常记起儿时在教堂里,站在我身边的父亲经常满怀激情地哼唱一首古老的赞美诗,“上帝啊,我时时刻刻需要你!”As a girl I was fortunate in having old-fashioned, religious parents, and I often think of the old hymn my good father sang so lustily as stood beside him in church, "I need Thee every hour."