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布拉柴维尔是其首都也是最大城市。Brazzaville is the capital and the largest city.

温家宝首先来到位于布拉柴维尔市区的达朗盖医院。Wen first of all visited a hospital in Brazzaville.

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去年,布拉扎维是最后一名,第215位,巴格达列第213位。Last year Brazzaville was bottom, in 215th place, with Baghdad at 213.

科迪说,法国官员在布拉柴维尔会寻求新的石油供给。Kodi says In Brazzaville French officials will be looking for new oil supplies.

经实验室证实,来自布拉柴维尔和利夸拉的四个病例被确诊为霍乱。Four cases from Brazzaville and Likouala have been laboratory confirmed with cholera.

而他们在阿克拉和布拉柴维尔的见闻和经历也将随他们传到温哥华和萨格勒布。What they learn in Accra and Brazzaville will travel with them to Vancouver and Zagreb.

温家宝是在结束了对埃及和加纳的正式访问后,从加纳首都阿克拉飞抵布拉柴维尔的。Wen left Accra, capital of Ghana, for Brazzaville after concluding his official visit to Egypt and Ghana.

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机场上空和城市的主要街道飘扬着中刚两国国旗,不时可见“刚中合作与团结万岁!”The national flags of the two countries flew high at the airport and along the major streets of Brazzaville.

萨科齐很可能将在刚果布拉柴维尔倡导民主,该国总统正在准备今年夏天举行选举。He will also advocate democracy, likely in Congo Brazzaville where the country's president is preparing for elections this summer.

刚果首都布拉柴维尔音乐会上发生踩踏事件,政府称共有7人遇难,30人受伤。The government of Congo says seven people have been killed in a stampede at a music festival in the capital Brazzaville. Thirty others were injured.

苏丹的喀土穆、刚果的布拉扎维和黒角、中非共和国的班吉和巴格达一起排在最后。Khartoum in Sudan, Brazzaville and Pointe Noire, both in the Congo, and Bangui in the Central African Republic join Baghdad at the bottom of the list.

排名垫底的三座城市中,除巴格达外,还有中非共和国的班吉和刚果共和国首都布拉扎维。Zurich, Geneva and Vancouver made the top three in the list while Bangui in the Central African Republic and Brazzaville , the capital of Congo Republic, joined Baghdad in the bottom three.