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因此,你还觉得无性婚姻好吗?So is a sexless marriage ever okay?

无性的社会是令人费解的。This sexless society is making people loopy.

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火神他的命运是一团无性的氢气!Moloch whose fate is a cloud of sexless hydrogen!

无性无爱的婚姻里,男人更喜欢工作?Sexless and loveless marriages where men prefer to be at work?

长期以来一个被指出的事实是,我们都开始于子宫中一个没有性别的小肉团。It’s long been noted that all of us start in the womb as sexless little blobs.

每次在我写到有关于婚姻的话题的时候,我都会收到许多来自婚姻家庭不幸的读者的来信。Every time I write about marriage, I hear from readers who lament their sexless marriages.

随着改革开放,一场“性观念革命”迅速结束了中国的无性阶段。With reform and opening up, a "sexual revolution" quickly ended the sexless phase of China.

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这种香蕉没有性别、没有子也无雌雄蕊,只能从同一株上重复插条繁衍。It is sexless , seedless and sterile and can only be bred by growing plants from identical cuttings.

似乎那时的中国——一个刚刚走出无性时期的国度——对裸露的需求远胜于艺术。It seemed that China – a country that had just come out of its sexless phase – needed nudity far more than art.

即使无性婚姻没有一个合适的定义,但人们似乎都觉得这很寻常。But even if there's no perfect definition for a "sexless" marriage, everyone seems to agree that they're common.

在过去的几个月里,我已经碰到大量的文章表明性冷淡是年轻人之间的新趋势。In the past few months, I've come across numerous articles claiming that being sexless is a new trend for young people.

治疗性冷感、不孕、更年期虚弱、低血压、皮肤没有光泽,脆弱敏感等。Sexless treatment, infertility, menopause, weakness, low blood pressure, skin not shiny, fragile and sensitive, and so on.

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中国人名大学著名社会学家和性学家潘绥铭,定义1978年以前的中国为一个“无性社会”。Pan Suiming, a famous sociologist and sexologist from Renmin University of China, defined pre-1978 China as a "sexless society".

有这样一小群作家,他们的作品,是纯洁的,无暇的,如天使般丝毫不辨性别 ,而米尔顿便是他们的首领。There's a small group of writers whose work is pure, uncontaminated, sexless as the angels are said to be sexless and Milton is their leader.

但同时日本社会也被列为世界上最为性冷淡的国家之一,近期的一项研究也将日本放到了夫妻性关系最为冷淡的国家行列中。Japan is also ranked one of the most sexless societies on the planet. A recent study also ranked Japanese couples as among the world's most sexless.

为期18天的展览吸引了22万观众。似乎那时的中国——一个刚刚走出无性时期的国度——对裸露的需求远胜于艺术。The 18-day exhibition attracted 220,000 spectators. It seemed that China – a country that had just come out of its sexless phase – needed nudity far more than art.

芭比近似于无性别之分的身体困扰着聪明的孩子们,她们想知道,没有肚脐、无繁殖途径,芭比是怎么生下来的呢?Barbie retains an almost sexless body that can puzzleknowing children who wonder how Barbiewas born without a belly button and has no obvious means of reproduction.

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奥利维亚,有些人认为无爱夫妇仍然可以不快乐地生活在一起,尽管他们的无性婚姻从技术层面上考虑已不算是婚姻,你觉得这个观点如何?Olivia, what about the people who argue that loveless couples can still live together unhappily even if their sexless unions aren't technically considered marriage?

被访夫妇中,一半的人称他们的性生活不尽人意,甚至有1/10的人说他们的另一半没有性能力了。Almost half of the couples surveyed by said their sex lives had fallen flat, with one in 10 admitting that their partnerships were entirely sexless.

爱情是婚姻延续,它是,处于恋爱期的一部分或者可以依赖,个人,你可以与某人相爱,拥有无性婚姻。Marriage perpetuates love and it is part of being in love or can be depending on the individuals. You can be in love with someone and have a sexless marriage which exists.