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什么是三重琳蒂舞?What is Triple Lindy?

三H或弗拉基米尔科斯洛夫?Triple H or Vladimir Koslov?

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比如三相点。For instance the triple point.

这是很好的固态三线态。That is a good solid triple bond.

刘一刀还是放过了三宝。That knife or pass the triple gem.

没有发生“三重相交”And, there's no triple intersection.

不信三宝不植善根。They do not believe the Triple Gems.

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力挺杰中杰的良好服务!Thanks for the good service, Triple J!

三拍子,答对了,你们知道曲子的结构Triple. Yeah. You know the setup here.

炔烃三键介绍。Introduction to the Alkyne Triple Bond.

现在我们来看看三键。So now let's think about a triple bond.

这位滑冰者完成了一次三周单腿旋转。The skater executed a triple pirouette.

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约翰完成他的三垒打,并得了两分。John hit his triple and plated two runs.

再来一个三拍子的,开始Let's do a triple meter one. Here we go.

三网融合的概念呼之而出。The concept of triple play and call out.

一间三人房住两个晚上要多少钱?How much is a triple room for two nights?

人们喜欢旋转两圈儿,三圈儿,甚至更多。People like double, triple and more turns.

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那么,这是二拍子的还是三拍子的So is this in duple meter or triple meter?

三网融合的概念呼之而出。The concept of triple play was on the way.

几个星期后,我们会学习三重积分。In a few weeks,we will be triple integrals.