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卡劳将和他的哥哥一样作为科特迪瓦国家队成员。Kalou will now join older brother Bonaventure as an Ivorian international.

目前不清楚科特迪瓦的可可制造商是否会遵守这个禁令。It was not immediately clear whether Ivorian cocoa producers intend to honor the ban.

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法比亚诺晃过两名防守队员,面对门将,左脚推射命中。He beat two Ivorian defenders, then hit a left-footed shot past goalkeeper Boubacar Barry.

这次政治危机已经导致一万八千名科特迪瓦难民越境进入利比里亚。The political crisis has sent more than 18,000 Ivorian refugees across the border into Liberia.

关键的一点是,踢进这一球的是该俱乐部花重金签约的科特迪瓦球员亚亚-图雷。Significantly, the winning goal was scored by one of his big-money signings, the Ivorian Yaya Toure.

有些人相信,是科特迪瓦国家队使曾被内战撕得千疮百孔的“象牙海岸”团结起来。Some people also believe the Ivorian football team has helped unite a nation that was torn by civil war.

的边路传中,德罗巴当然不会错过机会,他抢在福斯特的身前将球打进。Geremi provided another perfect cross for the Ivorian to steal in unmarked and fire the ball past Foster.

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但是上个赛季攻入了33球的科特迪瓦前锋却右脚凌空射门将球打飞。But the Ivorian striker, who scored 33 goals last season, smashed his right-foot volley against an upright.

过去的一周,因为之间斗争的科特迪瓦人民亲硬巴博总统和亲瓦塔拉的力量。The last week was hard for the Ivorian people because of the fight between pro-Gbagbo and pro-Ouattara forces.

看样子即使要背叛他最喜欢的恩师穆尼尼奥,这位科特迪瓦射手也想加入米兰。Seems that the Ivorian striker for reach Milan is disposed even to deceive his favourite manager Jose Mourinho.

例如,在此次世界杯上,喀麦隆或者科特迪瓦的23名球员中只有一人在国内踢球。For example, in this World Cup, out of 23 footballers on either Cameroonian or Ivorian roster, one plays at home.

斯图加特左后卫博卡,给汉诺威的布鲁金克一个完美的“婚礼擒抱”。Stuttgart's Ivorian left-back Arthur Boka, for a perfectly executed "wedding tackle" on Hannover's Arnold Bruggink.

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科特迪瓦领导人还计划在布基纳法索首都瓦加杜古举行了会谈,由总统孔波雷介导的。The Ivorian leaders also planned talks in the Burkinabe capital, Ouagadougou, to be mediated by President Compaore.

瓜迪奥拉希望留住亚亚图雷作为布斯科斯的替补,但是科特迪瓦人选择加盟曼城。Coach Pep Guardiola had hoped to keep Toure as cover for Busquets, but the Ivorian decided to move to Manchester City.

科特迪瓦上赛季仅出场八次,似乎已经不再温格未来的计划中。The Ivorian started just eight Premier League matches last term and does not feature in Wenger's plans for the new season.

科特迪瓦的穆斯林祈祷在广受欢迎的阿博博阿比让,科特迪瓦区Fitya清真寺前的2009年11月27日。Ivorian Muslims pray in front of the Fitya mosque of the popular Abobo district of Abidjan, Ivory Coast on November 27, 2009.

红十字会称杀人事件很明显发生在本周二科特迪瓦迪埃奎市一个地区。The Red Cross said the killings had apparently occurred in just one district of the Ivorian city of Duekoue on Tuesday this week.

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曾被授予科特迪瓦骑士勋章、文化勋章。举办过15次个人展,20多次联展。She has been awarded knight of the Ivorian merit and cultural merit, has held 15 solo exhibitions, more than 20 group exhibitions.

坎贝尔在那年49次出场中搭档最多是科洛·图雷,对于这位年轻的科特迪瓦人来说,这是一个完美的学习平台。One Kolo Toure partnered Campbell in most of his 49 appearances that year — it was the ideal learning platform for the young Ivorian.

录像回放显示古德杨森在兰帕德传球的一瞬间处于越位位置,但德罗巴没有。Replays showed that Eidur Gudjohnsen was in an offside position to his side when the ball left Lampard's boot, but the Ivorian was not.