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被剥夺了希望并不就是绝望。Being deprived of hope is not despairing.

患者讲更直白、绝望的语言。Consumers speak a more frank, despairing language.

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所有人已然听到我们奋力抗争的哭喊。People everywhere have heard our despairing wails.

绝望的女孩走到井边,然后跳了进去。The despairing girl went to the well and leapt in.

绝望的戈多。而我始终在等。The despairing Godat. but I have been always waiting.

随着一声绝望的呼叫,那女人把头往墙上猛撞。With a despairing cry the woman banged her head against the wall.

但我不仅忠于否认的立场,我还处于令人绝望的怀疑状态!But I'm honestly not in a state of denial. I'm in a state of despairing disbelief!

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在沉黑的夜中我不住地低吟着,"她就是我,失望的行人,她就是我。"Through the dark night I keep humming, "She is I, despairing traveller, she is I."

绝望人的讲论既然如风,你们还想要驳正言语么。Do you mean to correct what I say, and treat the words of a despairing man as wind?

她看尚去灾可怜又郝独,吩于雕应来看她的朋友的到链已不抱希望。She looked wretched and forlorn, despairing of the arrival of a friend who had to meet her.

他似乎颇为绝望,不明这本书,是否真能产生功用。He seems to be rather despairing about whether this book is actually going to have any affect.

“不应该这样野蛮的对待外来务工者”,一位绝望的家长说,“他们对我们太不公平了。”“Migrants shouldn't be treated so cruelly,” says a despairing parent.“They are so prejudiced towards us.

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“不应该这样野蛮的对待外来务工者”,一位绝望的家长说,“他们对我们太不公平了。”“Migrants shouldn’t be treated so cruelly, ” says a despairing parent. “They are so prejudiced towards us.”

马吕斯大失所看,呆呆地盯着那所阴沉沉、和宅兆一般黑一般寂静因而更加空旷的屋子。Marius fixed his despairing eyes on that dismal house, which was as black and as silent as a tomb and far more empty.

他终于睡熟了,但那幅两个人一同孤寂的景象、那幅扯人心弦引人绝望的景象已铭刻心头。Finally he fell asleep, but not without taking with him the tender and despairing image of two people’s loneliness together.

如果你这样想,你就会时常发现你终究还是克服了过度焦虑或失望等消极情绪。If you keep your mind in this way, you will very often find that you win after all from not being over-anxious or despairing.

皮尔洛该死的一脚射门偏离了利物浦的球门不料碰到因扎吉的胸部变向飞过了绝望的雷纳。Pirlo blasted the kick wide of the Liverpool wall only to see it deflected off Inzaghi's chest past the despairing Pepe Reina.

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奥地利人因为本国球队在今年“欧洲杯”中早早出局而陷入绝望,不过他们可以在一部假纪录片中找到一些安慰。Austrians despairing at their team's Euro 2008 exit can seek solace in a mock documentary charting their stunning title victory.

这个节日是为了纪念楚国的大夫屈原,他因为对朝廷的贪污腐败感到绝望而投河自尽。Despairing over corruption at court, Qu threw himself into a river. Townspeople jumped into their boats and tried in vain to save him.

许多自杀发生在一个人有精力和意志将绝望思想转变为毁灭性行动的改善期。Many suicides occur in a period of improvement when the person has the energy and the will to turn despairing thoughts into destructive action.