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怎样解决这一明显的不一致呢?How do we resolve this apparent incongruity?

休斯敦的图腾可能正是一个代表不协调的神灵。Houston’s totem could be the Imp of Incongruity.

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笑不是由不一致引起的。It's not the case that incongruity causes laughter.

这一局面煞是怪异,让她惊愕不已。She was struck by the incongruity of the situation.

甚至连HK-47本人也注意到了这种不和谐。The incongruity did not go unnoticed, even by HK-47.

作者的描述同样包含着一个不和谐因素。There is also an element of incongruity in the writer's description.

希望发生的和真正发生的不一致。An occurrence, a result, or a circumstance notable for such incongruity.

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燃烧的水,确保绝对的不协调,我们会找到它。The sheer incongruity of water burning ensured that we would find out about it.

总体来说,学生在词汇学习策略的使用频率和受益度上存在协调和不协调之处。Sixthly, there are congruity and incongruity between the usage and helpfulness of the strategies.

其次,作为制笑机制,不和谐性需具备高度的可解释性和欣赏性。Secondly, incongruity is defined as possess the characteristic of highly interpretability and enjoyability.

上世纪九十年代初镜像神经的发现为理解幽默中的不协调性开辟了新的途径。In the early 1990s the discovery of mirror neurons led to a new way to understand the incongruity aspect of humor.

这一矛盾或许正是崇高作为一种哲学诉求与哥特传奇体裁要求之间的矛盾。This discrepancy might bespeak the very incongruity between sublimity as a philosophical pursuit and the demand of the Gothic genre.

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皮质台阶症即骨折段两侧皮质骨宽度的不一致性表明旋转复位不良。The cortical step sign, or incongruity of corticalwidths on either side of a femur fracture, is indicative of rotationalmalreduction.

当我们的期望和现实发生的事实,之间出现不一致时,我们就会笑,除非这种不一致引起恐惧。We laugh when there is incongruity between what we expect and what we actually--what actually happens unless the outcome is frightening.

当我们的期望和现实发生的事实,之间出现不一致时,我们就会笑,除非这种不一致引起恐惧”We laugh when there is incongruity between what we expect and what we actually--what actually happens unless the outcome is frightening."

她拿起了本来来取的一包衣服,并没有发见也没有感觉她的地位的矛盾,他却觉得这是对他一种当面谴责了。She took up the package that she had come for, not seeing or feeling the incongruity of her position, while he felt it as a direct reproof.

这种状况与全球化的知识经济时代的进程很不协调,阻碍了中国经济的发展和科技的进步。This kind of situation is incongruity with process of the era of knowledge-driven economy, hamper the progress of China's economy and science.

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还有…,很多笑不是因为不一致引起的,很多时候我们笑,并不是因为其中有不一致的现象。It's also-- a lot of laughter isn't caused by incongruity so a lot of times when we laugh there's nothing incongruous in any deep sense about it.

在情景语境的作用下,一种突出特征以‘失衡’或‘失协’的方式在语篇中得以前景化,获得文体价值。Under the activation of situation, a prominent feature in the form of deflection or incongruity will be foregrounded, thus obtaining its stylistic value.

结果显示男护生角色紧张之程度显著高于女护生,尤其在角色不一致方面。Results showed role strain in male nursing students to be significantly higher than that in female nursing students, especially in terms of role incongruity.