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事实上,我的国籍是新西兰。I am from New Zealand officially.

教堂,库克群岛,新西兰。Church, Cook Islands, New Zealand.

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上次我们向新西兰的同学问好。Last time we say hi to New Zealand.

什么时候英国队和新西兰队赛?When is England playing New Zealand?

例如,我是一名从新西兰毛利。For example, I am a Maori from New Zealand.

几维是新西兰德国鸟。The kiwi is the native bird of New Zealand.

牧业在新西兰是高度机械化的。Farming in New Zealand is highly mechanized.

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是的,那是新西兰的白苏维浓。Oh yes, that's a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.

“数以百计的鱼”在新西兰遇难"Hundreds of snapper" perished in New Zealand

棒极了。我们去了澳大利亚和新西兰。Awesome, we went to Australia and New Zealand.

巴克是新西兰的品牌值得骄傲的。Barkers is a New Zealand brand to be proud of.

有的鸟,如新西兰几维鸟,也不会飞行。Birds, such as the New Zealand kiwi, cannot fly.

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新西兰币降低了0.6个百分点至79.24美分。The New Zealand dollar fell 0.6 percent to 79.24

日出,林迪斯通行证,中央奥塔哥,新西兰。Sunrise, Lindis Pass, Central Otago, New Zealand.

纪念一战中澳洲的第一次重大军事行动的节日。Anzac Day -- Australia and New Zealand Army Corps.

这里,YCN诚心地祝福纽西兰能完成她的计画!Here, YCN blesses New Zealand accomplish her plan!

后来她打电话给我,说她要离开到新西兰去。Then she rang and said she was off to New Zealand.

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新西兰圣诞同样因为炎热而别有风味。There is twice Christmas in a year in New Zealand.

树蕨类在科罗曼德尔森林公园,新西兰。Tree ferns in Coromandel Forest Park, New Zealand.

在欧洲、澳大利亚、新西兰的广场上。on plazas all over Europe, Australia, New Zealand.