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闲人免进。No admittance except on business.

那些寻求准入许多是妇女。Many of those seeking admittance are women.

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这个城镇大厅不准孩子进入。The big town hall denies admittance to children.

要知道,这个牌子整是一个进入我们的流行文化的标志。You know this sign is just an admittance of our popular culture.

记者力争获得进入部长办公室的权利。The journalist tried to gain admittance to the minister's office.

要知道,这个牌子正是一个进入我们的流行文化的标志。You know, this sign is just an admittance of our popular culture.

我不敢断言我已经获准进入欧洲音乐的灵魂中。I cannot claim that I gained admittance to the soul of European music.

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强化行业准入,优化产业布局。Strengthening industry admittance and optimizing the industrial layout.

他曾被苏黎世工艺学校逐出校门并拒其入学。He was expelled and was refused admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School.

应用导纳轨迹图解方法,可以确定能诱导出滤光片最大透射率的金属层厚度。The thickness of metal layer can be confirmed by admittance loci illustrate method.

因此,心导纳图法是一项有发展前途的测量SV的方法。Therefore, the admittance cardiography is an advisable method for the measurment of SV.

建立实验室安全准入制度是实验室安全管理的重要保证。Finally, it can ensure laboratory safety to make the system of admittance to laboratory.

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我极愿把所知的全都说出来,在我的门口并没有“不准入内”的招牌。I would gladly tell all that I know about it, and never paint "No Admittance" on my gate.

并根据此混合域基函数,对同轴线激励的线天线的导纳特性进行了仿真计算。With this method, the admittance of the wire antenna excited by coaxial line is calculated.

在今后接受您入共济会的过程中,您也许会亲眼看到这类说明问题的方式。You will see, maybe, a like method of enlightenment in the further rites of your admittance.

第四章着重研究电子认证的市场准入和退出制度。Chapter four studies the market admittance and retreating system in electronic certification.

在市区,本地用户组更容易展开交流,并且参与的费用也较低。In any urban area, local user group meetings are easy to get to and have low admittance fees.

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目的探讨对分泌性中耳炎进行多频鼓室导纳测试的临床意义。Objective To explore the clinical significance of examinating multifrequency tympanum admittance.

通过导纳圆实验数据拟合,获得相应的等效电路参数。With admittance circle fitting to experiment data, equivalent circuit parameters can be obtained.

入学依据的是一个应用和音,在春天的前一年纳。Admission is based on an application and an audition in the spring of the year prior to admittance.