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很让人痛心。It's very tearing data.

我保证不再撕书啦。I swear off tearing the books.

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一怒之下,拆了房子。Angry, and tearing down the house.

一辆小车沿大街疾驰而来。A car came tearing along the street.

艾丽斯一如往常地来去匆匆。Alice was in a tearing hurry as usual.

有个年轻人正沿着大街急跑。A young man was tearing down the street.

婴儿喜欢把纸撕成碎片。The baby likes tearing paper into pieces.

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士兵们正飞快地跑过大桥。The soldiers were tearing across the bridge.

孩子们在公园里东奔西跑。The children were tearing around in the park.

或者用梳子撕扯着你湿湿的金发。or tearing a comb through your gold-wet hair.

简单的撕纸和巧妙地折纸是不同的。Tearing paper is different from ripping paper.

都呛得我流眼泪了.这个味儿太浓了.I am tearing up! The taste is too strong for me.

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她正在天堂里大弹特弹着钢琴呢,我敢肯定。She is tearing up the ivories in heaven, I am sure.

具有优良力学性能及抗撕裂性。Excellent mechanical property and resistant tearing.

厌倦是我们体内时间自我撕裂的回声。Ennui is the echo in us of time tearing itself apart.

打开信封后,她发现了四个巴黎市内的电话号码。Tearing git open, she found four Paris phone numbers.

高科技弱胶背胶,撕除后不留踪迹。High-tech plastic gum, without any traces after tearing.

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建议撕纸的时候要控制手指的技巧。Tearing suggests control about the fingers's techniques.

截止下午一点三十分,我已经三度难过,决堤。Up till 130pm, I have had three emo and tearing sessions.

这个测试,可用“爱门道夫”撕裂度测试机进行。An "Elmendorf" tearing tester may be use for this purpose.