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口号被刻在一个火炬塔上。The motto is engraved on a cauldron.

同时,我们在另一个铁锅里注入水。Meanwhile, we fill another cauldron with water.

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在超越希望和恐惧的大锅中锻造Was forged in the cauldron beyond hope and fear

将上汤从铁锅倒入平底锅中。and pour the broth from the cauldron into a pan.

我们把冷水注入这只大铁锅。We take a big cauldron and fill it with cold water.

就连巫婆都喜欢沸腾着的冒着气泡的大锅。Even witches appreciate what they bring to a boiling cauldron.

现在是时候在一个热带国家点燃奥运主火炬。It is time to light the Olympic cauldron in a tropical country.

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先把沙子放入大铁锅中和麦芽糖一起翻炒。Put sand in an iron cauldron and fry it with maltose on a fire.

很快,那片海就像个充满乳白色泡泡和浪花的大气锅。Soon, the sea is a bubbling cauldron of milky white foam and spray.

可是,韩佳,古代人为什么要造这么重的鼎啊?I wonder, Han Jia, why ancient people made this heavy bronze cauldron?

巫婆于是就把药罐准备好,来煎这服富有魔力的药了。Then the witch placed her cauldron on the fire, to prepare the magic draught.

在墓内,有与釜配套的铁三脚架。There is a tripod supporting the cacciatore-shaped iron cauldron in the tomb.

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两个管子从釜盖延伸并悬挂一个在大釜上方的球状体。Two pipes extend from the lid and suspend a globe directly above the cauldron.

一大锅牛奶、一名倒挂的女人,从她的嘴中用力拽出一条活蛇。A cauldron of milk, a woman hung upside-down, a live snake extracted from her mouth.

奥普特拉树木森林在燃烧,整个环形山看起来就像个地狱熔炉。The Optera tree forest was ablaze, giving the crater the look of a devil's cauldron.

他会用圣火点燃圣火台,接著释放代表和平的白鸽。He will light the cauldron with the torch and release white doves which symbolize peace.

其他一些令人兴奋的可能性是泰坦星可能是外星生物的大本营。Another exciting possibility is that Titan might be a cauldron for extraterrestrial life.

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于是他从货车上拽下一口大铁锅,往里盛满水,并在锅底下生了火。He pulled an iron cauldron from his wagon, filled it with water, and built a fire under it.

我喜欢纽黑文市,因为那里汇集着各种老式的种族政治见解,拥有很多学生激进分子。I loved New Haven with its cauldron of old-fashioned ethnic politics and student activists.

据专家介绍铁釜是一种行军锅,它体积小,便于携带。Small and portable, the iron cauldron was once used as a field cauldron, according to experts.