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我刻了两个海虾。I carved two shrimps.

它是用象牙雕成的。It is carved from ivory.

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它是用象牙雕成的。It is carved from ivory.

这些石人是谁雕的呢?Who carved these stone men?

他雕出了一朵象牙花。He carved out a flower of ivory.

青玉玉质,雕一行走的胡人。Jade carved jade, much of a walk.

这座塑像是玉雕的。The statue was carved out of jade.

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这座像是用木头雕成的。The statue was carved out of wood.

他将他名字的首字母刻在这墙上。He carved his initials on the wall.

塑像是用大理石雕的。The statue is carved out of marble.

她把萝卜刻成一朵花。She carved a flower out of a radish.

这些字都是手工刻上去的。These words were all carved by hand.

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盖茨高背椅子上,手工雕刻。Gates head high back, carved by hand.

这座像雕刻在石头上。A. The statue was carved out of stone.

其飞檐照壁雕刻精美。Beautifully carved cornices its Zhaobi.

岩石浮雕及古老的门道。Carved bas-relief and ancient doorways.

这只雕花盒子是件古玩真品。This carved chest is a genuine antique.

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这个农场是用黄油雕刻的。This farm scene was carved from butter.

爷爷雕好的可爱的小狮子。A lovely lion carved by the grandfather.

男孩子们把名字刻在树上。The boys carved their names in the tree.