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那么我们有一个碰撞。So we have a collision.

追尾危险。Rear-End Collision Danger.

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相撞使这条船沉没。The collision foundered the ship.

这一撞撞得他两眼直冒金星。The collision made him see stars.

两车相撞,一个婴儿活了下来。A baby survived the car collision.

碰撞时淡入淡出速度。The fade blink speed on collision.

我看到公共和小汽车相撞。Isaw a collision of a bus with a car.

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杰克在撞车事故中把汽车撞凹了。Jack dented up the car in the collision.

这次冲突有着非同寻常的原因。This collision had a very unusual cause.

汽车碰撞时左侧的翼自板夭坏了。The nearside wing was damaged in collision.

这是木琴演奏的一段粒子碰撞的声音。That’s a proton collision played on marimba.

好,现在碰撞检测可以起作用了。And that's it, collision detection works now.

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这是否与钓鱼岛撞船事件有关?Is it related to the Diaoyu Island collision?

汽车碰撞时左侧的翼子板撞坏了。The nearside wing was damaged in the collision.

一辆小汽车和一辆公共汽车在桥上相撞。A car was in collision with a bus on the bridge.

高速公路上发生了一起3车相撞的事故。There was a three-car collision on the motorway.

高速公路上发生了一起三车相撞的事故。There was a three-car collision on the motorway.

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因而是碰撞计算中不可忽略的因素。So it can not be omitted in collision calculation.

他们的小货车兴军用卡车相撞。Their minivan was in collision with an Army lorry.

碰撞产生的碎片结合形成了月球。Debris from the collision coalesced to form the moon.