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知道了,那我去找找看家里有没有鱼子酱为他准备。OK, I'll see if I can find him some caviar.

“这种小土豆就如同土豆中的鱼子酱,”雷哲毕说。“It’s like the caviar of potatoes,” he said.

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我们尽情地享用鱼子酱和香槟酒。We regaled ourselves on caviar and champagne.

“这种小土豆就如同土豆中的鱼子酱,”雷哲毕说。“It’s like the caviar of potatoes, ” he said.

我们点一些干酪薄脆饼和鱼子酱。All right. We'll have some cheese wafers and caviar.

在用来做鱼子酱的各种鱼卵之中,这种鱼卵是最大的。The eggs are the largest of the fish eggs used for caviar.

鱼子酱和一卷金叶在边缘闪耀,下面是一层层奶油冻和大闸蟹。Caviar and a crinkle of gold leaf shone just inside the rim.

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来点开胃酒怎么样?一些香槟酒,鱼子酱?全都是进口货。How about an aperitif? Some champers, caviar? It's all imported.

可口可乐和爆米花赛过香槟和鱼子酱。Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars became champagne and caviar.

在头等舱餐桌上的鱼子酱是真正的白鲸鱼子酱。That's real Beluga caviar in the first class dining room sequence.

而宣称是“鲟鱼鱼子酱”的鱼卵其实来自廉价的密西西比白鲟。And alleged sturgeon caviar was just cheap Mississippi paddlefish eggs.

这位作家的许多作品被认为是阳春白雪,读者很少。Many of the writer's books are considered caviar to the general public.

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这出歌剧虽比过去的歌剧通俗些,但依然是阳春白雪,曲高和寡。Though more popular than it used to be, the opera is still caviar to the.

还精选了线替代鱼子酱抗衰老卷成型霜。Also featured in the line is Alterna Caviar Anti-Aging Volume Molding Crème.

到了俄罗斯,自然少不了要尝一尝那里的黑面包和鱼子酱。To Russia, where natural and ultimately, to taste the black bread and caviar.

鱼子酱已经被认为是一个微妙意味著餐前须送达小食。Caviar has been considered a delicacy meant to be served with hors d' oeuvres.

到了午夜前后,侍者送来了啤酒和三明治—鱼子酱三明治。Around midnight the gar?on arrives with beer and sandwiches – caviar sandwiches.

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尿布霜对蹒跚学步的小孩子就有如鱼子酱。And nappy cream is like caviar for toddles, best served straight from the bottom.

鱼子酱日霜运用优质原料来推迟和改善肌肤衰老的痕迹。Caviar Day Crème uses deluxe ingredients to delay and improve the signs of aging.

鱼子酱和金箔点缀的点心用南瓜羹打底?并且用于晚餐?Dim sum, garnished with caviar and gold leaf, served in pumpkin soup? For dinner?