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我不能抑制我的眼泪。I can't restrain my tears.

有效改善静脉曲张。Good at restrain vena swell.

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她几乎克制不住自己。She can hardly restrain herself.

他们遏制了那些伊斯兰铁骑兵。They restrain the armies of horsemen.

怎么克制自己冲动的情绪?How to restrain oneself actuation mood?

他们无法抑制自己的激动。They couldn't restrain their excitement.

我也非常愤怒,但是我忍住了。I am agitated too, but I restrain myself.

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舒解肩颈酸痛、肩周炎等症状。Restrain pain of shoulder and shoulder joint.

我们绝对不要限制孩子们的自由。We must not restrain children of their liberty.

他克制不住自己要大声喊叫。He could not restrain himself from shouting aloud.

有自控的人能约束自己的反应。People with self-control restrain their reactions.

羞耻或许能阻止法律所不能禁止之事。Shame may restrain what the law does not prohibit.

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这是一个抑压的时代。These it is one that restrain era that pigeonhole.

如果你管不住你的狗,你必须把它关起来。If you can't restrain your dog you must lock it up.

守墓,却守不住你如花容颜。Shou tomb, but could not restrain your flower face.

大蒜素可以降低某些肿瘤的患病率。Allicin could restrain incidence of some cancer cells.

他应该用舌头顶着上颚,控制口腹。Pressing tongue against palate, restrain your stomach.

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她气得几乎控制不了自己。She was so angry that she could hardly restrain herself.

但后来我又想了一想,试图为自己释疑。But then I thought again and tried to restrain my doubts.

但是,全球需求的疲软可能抑制贸易的增长。But weak global demand could restrain the growth in trade.