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通古拉瓦位于厄瓜多尔首都基多东南约130公里。Tungurahua is about 130 kilometers southeast of the capital Quito.

南美洲国家领导人的国际会议在基多召开。The international conference of South American leaders has opened in Quito.

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我们与基多体育大学的那场比赛中踢得很好,现在我们是世界冠军了。We did our job very well against Quito and now we are champions of the world.

对于那些居住在大城市,你会感到震惊缺乏霓虹灯在基多举行。For those living in large cities, you will be shocked by the lack of neon in Quito.

一组新照片展示了厄瓜多尔首都基多附近的一座活火山是多么活跃。New pictures are showing how active a volcano near Ecuador 's capital of Quito is gotten.

两天前欧佩克在基多的会议是第十七次没能在输出配额的作出改变的会议。OPEC’s gathering in Quito two days ago was the seventh meeting with no change in output quotas.

科雷亚在基多的一所医院寻求庇护,之后在一次夜间突袭中被忠于自己的部队解救。The president took refuge in a Quito hospital before he was rescued in a nighttime raid by loyal troops.

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通古拉瓦火山喷出的灰烬和熔岩于2010年1月11日,在Cotalo,厄瓜多尔,135公里基多以南。The Tungurahua volcano spews ashes and lava on January 11, 2010, in Cotalo, Ecuador, 135km south of Quito.

外墙上有用金叶镶嵌的基多城奠基者姓名,院内有苏克雷将军的陵墓。External wall useful gold leaf enchase city of Quito founders have sucre general name, nosocomial mausoleum.

厄瓜多尔引以为荣的是首都基多,国家博物馆收藏着最为丰富的前哥伦布时期的陶瓷。Ecuador boasts the glories of Quito and, at the Museo Nacional, Hispanic America's greatest collection of pre-Columbian ceramics.

专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到基多特价机票。The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Quito.

在厄瓜多首都基多中央大学附近发生的冲突中,示威群众当街放火烧轮胎。Ecuadoran demonstrators set fire to a tire in the middle of a street during clashes around Central University in Quito January 19, 2006.

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这家四星级的艺术装饰酒店位于基多市中心,提供带私人阳台和免费无线网络连接的客房。Only a 5-minute walk from Bellavista Metropolitan Park, Hostal de La Mancha offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and cable TV in downtown Quito.

这里有包括万豪酒店在内的世界一流酒店,使得基多无愧为“世界中部旅游新中心”的称号。And a crop of upscale hotels has arrived, including a JW Marriott, making Quito a glorious new center in the so-called Middle of the World.

基多环绕着皮钦查火山的山脚——一座积雪的火山,世界上最奇特的风景之一。Quito wraps itself around the base of Pichincha, a snow-capped volcano that provides one of the most unique backdrops of any city on earth.

同时,另一场半决赛将在墨西哥的帕丘卡和南美冠军基多体育大学之间进行。Meanwhile, the other last-four encounter will be contested on Wednesday by Mexican side Pachuca and reigning Copa Libertadores holders Liga de Quito.

这座脱胎于巴黎圣母院的大教堂位于厄瓜多尔首都基多,于19世纪末期破土,至今仍在修建中。Modeled after the grand Notre Dame in Paris, construction on La Basílica del Voto Nacional in Quito began in the late 19th century and is still ongoing.

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曼联将在今天对阵厄瓜多尔的基多体育大学,他们希望成为2000年世俱杯创立以来第一支夺得这项锦标的英国球队。United face Liga de Quito of Ecuador in today's final here, where they are bidding to become the first British club to win the tournament since it was expanded in 2000.

警察和军队占领了一个主要的警察在基多、关闭机场和动乱的迅速蔓延到其他一些古琦批发城。Policemen and some troops occupied one of the main police quarters in Quito and shut down the airport, and the unrest quickly gucci wholesale spread to some other cities.

拉美一些大城市的“抗争社区”,如笔者考察过的厄瓜多尔首都基多的“波斯科合作社区”等是争来的典型。Latin America in some big cities "resistance communities", such as author visits Ecuador capital of Quito "threatened cooperation communities" as is the struggle to typical.