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尼尼微人做了什么事?What had the people of Nineveh done?

尼尼微是个被分裂和掠夺的地方。Nineveh is torn, split and plundered!

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在鲸鱼肚里被送到尼尼微。The prophet who traveled in a whale to Nineveh.

那尼尼微人当时不就被赦免了吗?Is not that people in Nineveh were forgiven at that time?

最后,约拿因要往他施去而浪费了时间。Jonah lost his time, for he had to go to Nineveh after all.

这尼尼微是极大的城,有三日的路程。Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days' journey.

塔什什是约拿书能够去的离尼尼微最远的地方。Tarshish was about as far away from Nineveh as Jonah could get.

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亚述王西拿基立就拔营回去、住在尼尼微。So sennacherib, king of assyria, went back to his place at nineveh.

论尼尼微的默示,就是伊勒歌斯人那鸿所得的默示。The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.

约拿不想向尼尼微城的百姓分享神的恩典。Jonah had no interest in sharing God's grace with the people of Nineveh.

当敌人穿过河流并攻破了他们的城门后,尼尼微就沦陷了。Nineveh did fall when troops crossed a river and broke through the gates.

但正如那鸿所说的,尼尼微很快就要知道,他种什麽就要收什麽。But as Nahum prophesied, Nineveh was soon to reap that which she had sown.

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他前往尼尼微并告诉那里的人们关于我们唯一的上帝的事迹。He walked the Nineveh to tell the people there about the one and only God.

尼尼微就像是一个泥潭,里面的水已经越来越少了。Nineveh is like a puddle, and the water inside it is becoming less and less.

亚述王散乃黑黎布于是拔营,起程回国,住在尼尼微。So Sennacherib, king of Assyria, departed, returned home and lived in Nineveh.

约拿很不高兴神赦免尼尼微人-他不愿他们得怜悯!!!Jonah wasn't happy that Nineveh was spared – he didn't want mercy for them! ! !

亚述王西拿基立,就拔营回去,住在尼尼微。So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, and went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh.

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尼尼微堿在约拿书中被存留,但是在那鸿书中,却被上帝赶尽杀戮完全摧毁。Nineveh was saved in the book of Jonah but was totally decimated and destroyed by God.

这起攻击事件发生在伊拉克与叙利亚边界地区尼尼微省的拉比耶镇。The attack took place in the town of Rabiyaa in Nineveh province near the border with Syria.

消息传到尼尼微王耳中之后,连尼尼微王也悔改。The news reached the ears after the king of Nineveh, even the king of Nineveh to repent also.