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毫无保留。Without reservation.

请接服务台。Reservation desk,please.

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我们给您预订了。We have your reservation.

我在XX已预订房间。I made a reservation in XX.

我无保留地同意。I agree without reservation.

我的预订号码是1206。My reservation number is 1206.

我的预约号码是2679。My reservation number is 2679.

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我的预订号码是2991。My reservation number is 2991.

不过,我还有最后一点保留意见。Yet I have a last reservation.

我在台北预订过的。I made a reservation in Taibei.

我在台北已预订了房间。I made a reservation in Taipei.

我想预定一桌席。或者你也可以说…I'd like to make a reservation.

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请稍候,我来查一下预订单。I'll check the reservation list.

我必须确认我的订位。I have to confirm my reservation.

我在永康做了个预定。I made a reservation in Yongkang.

我要确认一下我的订位。I want to confirm my reservation.

预定截止期限到期。The reservation deadline expires.

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我想变更一下我的预订。I’d like to change my reservation.

有,以李先生的名字预订的。Yes. The reservation is under Lee.

我是史密斯先生。I'm Mr Smith. I have a reservation.