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然而,拉特动用的网络现在却用来去抓那些小一些的鱼虾。But the net that Rath used is now being cast to catch ever smaller fry.

根据相切接触条件用纯解析的方法,易理解,计算简单。This paper presented a pure analytical method is rath er easy to be understood, and easy to calucate.

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南非法院命令停止了医学实验,并禁止瑞斯为他的自然疗法做宣传。The South African court halted the medical trials and banned Rath from advertising his natural AIDS remedies.

因此RATH可作为一个测试非线性演化方程是否拥有双曲正切多项式形式的孤波解的有效实用的工具。Therefore RATH may be used as an exploratory tool to test a given equation has solutions of the assumed form.

纽约形象顾问朱莉-拉斯建议客户在头发开始稀疏的时候就把头发剪成寸头。New York image consultant Julie Rath advises her clients to get closely cropped when they start thinning up top.

他急忙跑回家去拿锹,但回到寨子以后,他却再也找不到埋藏宝藏的地方了。He hurried home to bring a spade, but when he got to the rath again he could not find the spot where he had seen it.

同时,它也强调了南非政府在此事件中的责任和不足,因为它没能及时阻止瑞斯销售自己的产品。It also highlighted the responsibility of the South African government and its failure in not preventing Rath from distributing his products.27

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同时,它也强调了南非政府在此事件中的责任和不足,因为它没能及时阻止瑞斯销售自己的产品。It also highlighted the responsibility of the South African government and its failure in not preventing Rath from distributing his products. 28

战略性新兴产业推进策略应坚持研发优先、创新驱动而非投资驱动。The development strategy of strategic emergent industry should take R&D as the first step, and insist innovation push rath than investment push.

格里希跳上马,立即看到,原来土堡里满是马匹,马背上是一个个小骑士。He leaped up on it, and the moment he was on its back he saw clearly that the rath was full of horses, and of little people going riding on them.

但在宿营地的拥有者,前柬埔寨将军发现栅栏被打开,而他的手下失踪时,他知道游戏开始了。But when the encampment's owner, ex-Khmer Rouge Colonel Rath Preap, finds the fences cut and his security men missing, it's clear that the game has turned.

从市中心乘火车去这座18世纪为卡尔·特奥多尔建造的本拉特皇宫只需半小时。皇宫内宁静的花园适宜于漫步或野餐。Theodor in the 18th century, Schloss Ben rath is a half hour train ride from the city centre and its peaceful gardens are perfect for a lazy stroll or picnic.

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数据中心知识作家约翰·莱夫写了一本白皮书,研究了选择恰当的欧洲数据中心战略的一些选项和最佳实践方案。Data Center Knowledge writer John Rath has created a white paper which looks at options and best practices for selecting the right European data center strategy.

Rat在德国、英国和美国受到人们的嘲笑,他被指控利用容易上当的南非人的无知,而这些南非人又被来自南非卫生部长Shabalala-Msimang的支持所鼓动。Rath has been derided in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States and accused of thriving on the ignorance of vulnerable South Africans who are encouraged by support from Tshabalala-Msimang.