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不要忘记做环境闭塞。Nao esquecer de fazer o ambient occlusion.

栓塞血管中由栓子形成的障碍或闭塞。Obstruction or occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus.

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在GOM应用方面,讨论了利用GOM进行遮挡剔除的算法。There are several algorithms for occlusion culling by GOM discussed.

两种成像技术显示了所有病人胰胆管梗阻部位。Both techniques delineated the location of occlusion in all patients.

气动球阀的工作原理是靠旋转阀芯来使阀门畅通或闭塞。Pneumatic valve works by rotating the valve spool to flow or occlusion.

一个好的结构可以加快视锥剔除和遮挡筛选。A good organizational hierarchy can speed frustum and occlusion culling.

关于他的名字和视力上的障碍,我们已经谈过了一点。We already talked a little bit about his name and the occlusion of sight.

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在实际绘制时,通过组法线可以批量剔除不可视部件。Components group also can be used as occluder when occlusion culling is used.

他们利用可吸收明胶海绵和不锈钢钢圈来阻塞动脉。The authors used gelfoam and stainless steel coils to achiee arterial occlusion.

当患者出现基底动脉闭塞时,应该考虑到白塞病的诊断。BD should be considered in the differential diagnosis of basilar artery occlusion.

显示血管狭窄和闭塞处的颈动脉循环图Diagram of carotid circulation indicating sites of vessel narrowing and occlusion.

假手术组除不夹闭肠系膜上动脉外,其余手术过程均同肠缺血-再灌注组。For the sham operation group, occlusion of superior mesenteric artery was omitted.

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急性基底动脉闭塞应该进行动脉溶栓治疗吗?。Should Acute Basilar Artery Occlusion be Treated with Intra- Arterial Thrombolysis?

研究者对小鼠的右侧大脑中动脉实施3小时短暂闭塞。We performed a 3-hour transient filament occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery.

在遮挡剔除窗口,您可以使用遮挡物网格和遮挡区域。In the Occlusion Culling Window, you can work with occluder meshes, and Occlusion Areas.

通常,本病综合征是由于椎动脉阻塞,或者少见的小脑后下动脉阻塞造成。Usually, this syndrome is due to vertebral artery occlusion or, less commonly, to PICA occlusion.

这个是用于遮挡剔除,看是否一个对象能被看做一个静态的遮挡。This is used for occlusion culling to determine if an object can be regarded as a static occluder.

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探讨子宫输卵管造影与腹腔镜下输卵管通水检查在诊断输卵管通畅中的临床价值。BACKGROUND To investigate the accuracy of diagnosis for the tubal occlusion by HSG and laparoscopy.

目的评价股浅静脉闭塞症的手术治疗。Objective To evaluate the effects of Husni's operation in treatment of femoropopliteal vein occlusion.

其对目标部分遮挡的跟踪精度高于单区域跟踪算法。Especially, multi-region tracking has higher tracking accuracy on occlusion than signal-region tracking.