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那些数不清的绵羊只会增加我对数字的敏感。Those countless sheep only add to my sensitiveness to numbers.

与他的交往使我能够摆脱掉我那缺乏自信的敏感。His companionship made it possible for me to shake off my shrinking sensitiveness.

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药物治疗效果与药敏试验结果一致。The effect of the medical were similar to the result of medicine sensitiveness test.

他知识渊博,鉴赏精细,会让你感到惊讶。You were surprised at the extent of his knowledge and the sensitiveness of his taste.

论文以紫坪铺水利枢纽工程区软岩特性研究及其对坝区边坡的敏感性分析为题。The characteristics of soft rock and the slope sensitiveness are researched in this paper.

在较低的剪切速率下,复合材料流体粘度对温度更敏感。At lower shear rate, the fluid viscosity of composite has more sensitiveness to temperature.

目的探讨老年糖尿病患者餐后脂代谢紊乱与胰岛素敏感性的相关性。Discuss relation of aged diabetic fat supersession disorder after meal with insulin sensitiveness.

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目前对该技术的研究重点是如何提高它的测试准确性和灵敏度。Presently the study keystone of the technique is how to improve its accuracy and sensitiveness to measure.

他那絮絮叨叨的谈话伤害着马丁疲惫的心灵,是一根对他的感觉的探针,戳痛了他那倦怠的神经。The boisterous impact of it on Martin's jaded mind was a hurt. It was an aching probe to his tired sensitiveness.

部分背景变项与工作压力对工作满意度具有预测力。Part of background variables and sensitiveness of job stress can be used to predict awareness of job satisfaction.

目的了解肺外结核的分支杆菌培养、菌型及药敏情况。Objective To know mycobacterium culture, bacterial type and medicine sensitiveness of outer-pulmonary tuberculosis.

Cheer独有的小女生的温柔、细腻、敏感和她自由自在却永不放弃的生活态度总会让我想起那些快乐抑或悲伤的回忆。Her girly softness and sensitiveness and her relaxed yet never-give-up attitude always bring back happy or sad memories.

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通过断面均匀性试验和孕育衰退试验检验了多元复合孕育的效果。Inoculating effects of the inoculant have been evaluated by experiments of section sensitiveness and inoculation fading.

但是与其说使他感到敏感的是这件事情的内在性质,不如说是别人听说这件事后心里头的猜测。Yet the intrinsic quality of the event moved his touchy sensitiveness less than its conjectured effect upon the minds of others.

随着时间的推移,我国IT上市公司投资支出对内部现金流量的敏感性逐渐增强。As time goes by, the sensitiveness of investment to the internal cash flow of IT listed company of our country becomes strengthen gradually.

利用敏感性分析对影响支撑证券化基础资产现金流风险因素进行了抗风险能力评估。Utilize the sensitiveness to assess the ability to resist risk of the basic assets cash flow risk factor of the asset-backed securitization.

商业银行应该采取敏感性分析,评估调整对风险参数、监管资本要求的影响。The commercial bank shall make sensitiveness analysis to assess the effects of the adjustments on the risk parameters and regulatory capital.

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然后,利用现金流量模型、敏感性分析方法和一些风险评价准则,进行融资决策的风险分析。Then uses cash flow model, sensitiveness analytical method and some appraisal criterions to carry on the risk analysis of financing decision.

最后利用盈亏平衡分析、敏感性分析对项目不确定性因素进行了风险程度预估,并做出了效益评价结论。Finally, this article utilizes the method of Profit and loss balance analysis and sensitiveness analysis to analyze the benefit of the Project.

毛细管电泳荧光检测法检测的结果更为精确、灵敏、高效,更适用于高通量材料的检测分析。Capillary electrophoresis with fluorescence detection has the advantages of high accuracy, sensitiveness , cost effectiveness and high-throught.