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淹涝胁迫对水稻生产造成了严重的危害。Submergence stress does severe harm to rice production.

玉米幼苗受淹水胁迫导致根系缺氧。Submergence stress result in oxygen limitation in maize roots.

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在良多淹没地域几乎成了“零工业区”。Has become"zero industrial district"nearly in many submergence areas.

因此,获得一种涝渍抗性油菜提高产量具有十分重要的意义。Furthermore, a prolonged submergence treatment can lead to the death of plant.

本文的研究对象——下潜平台,就是在这种背景下出现的。The object studied in this paper, a submergence platform, comes forth under this background.

大量供水可能对灌溉水稻淹水土壤有很大好处。An ample water supply is probably the greatest advantage of soil submergence for irrigated rice.

目的在于通过模型试验总结出电站双孔进水口计算临界淹没水深的经验公式。The paper presented an experimental study of the critical submergence of pressure power intakes.

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指出随着下潜深度的增加,给现行的潜艇设计计算规则提出了挑战。This paper put that increase of submergence depth challenges calculation rule of submarine deˉsign.

学会思考,不要让岁月淹没在无穷无尽的忙碌之中。The academic society pondered, Do not have to let the year submergence in inexhaustible bustling about.

杂交稻耐淹涝胁迫的能力强于常规稻。All the results showed that the submergence tolerance ability of hybrid rice is superior to traditional rice.

植物受淹后由于氧气、二氧化碳和乙烯的扩散受到限制破坏了植株体内的平衡状态。Submergence of plant organs perturbs homeostasis by limiting diffusion of oxygen, carbon dioxide and ethylene.

喷射泵的效率、气蚀现象、沉没度从不同角度表征了喷射泵的工作性能。A jet Pumps performances are characterized by its efficiency, cavitation and submergence from different aspects.

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芦苇是一种喜水性植物,地表淹水程度和地下水埋深对芦苇生长都有明显的影响。Phragmite australis is a kind of helophyte, the submergence and the ground water depth have effect on the growth.

实验表明,磨料浆体旋转射流冲蚀岩石形成的破碎坑呈“V”形。The results show that the bottom hole shape of rock drilling with the ASSJ under submergence mode looks like "V".

桶形基础平台具有特殊的结构,沉放就位过程是实现平台高效、经济性能的一个重要环节。Due to its special structure, its submergence is a key to the realization of the effective and economic performance.

并得出了新立油田扶杨油藏合理沉没度和合理下泵深度的范围。The ranges of rational submergence depth and pump setting depth are presented for Fuyang reservoir of Xinli oilfield.

正确的设计和操作潜水泵系统是潜水运转所必需考虑的基本事项。Proper design and operation of submersible pump systems necessitates consideration of minimum submergence requirements.

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由于浮顶罐基础不均匀下沉,致使罐体倾斜,并导致油品泄漏。The storage tank was tilted and oil product was leaked due to asymmetry submergence of the foundation of floating roof tank.

这种尾迹特征同运动物体的参数和下潜的深度以及海况有关。These features are various from different parameters of moving bodies, different depth of submergence and different sea-states.

充油压力补偿式锌银蓄电池因其特殊的结构形式多用于深海潜水器等特殊领域。The oil-filled pressure-compensated silver-zinc battery is usually used in deep submergence vehicles because of special structure.