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满足你的渴望。Satisfy your craving.

你渴望巧克力吗?Are you craving chocolate?

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这让他进而贪求丰美的食物。This created a craving for rich food.

她是在渴望得到爱和感情。She is craving for love and affection.

如果需要补充蛋白,可能会选培根加蛋。Bacon and eggs if she's craving protein.

当烟瘾来是请吸吮一根。Suck on one whenever a cig craving hits.

他还感觉到一种去过把瘾的强烈欲求。And he felt a surge in craving to go use.

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我会突然非常想吃宫保鸡丁。I just get this craving for Kung Pow Chicken.

或者你想看看把鱼放在一大桶的辣椒油里面煮是什么样子吗?Or craving fish cooked in a vat of chili oil?

嗯…我现在渴望着吃意大利菜。Well, I have a craving for Italian right now.

你们都渴望已久自由已经临近了。The freedom which you are all craving is near.

你如果想找点甜食,那就吃水果吧。Eat fruit when you are craving something sweet.

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“妙极了!”那带着渴望神情的人低沉地说。"Magnificent! " croaked the man with the craving.

魂牵梦绕的故乡,心中渴望的圣地。The captivating home is the place we are craving for.

如果你想吃点甜的东西,那就咀嚼无糖的口香糖。If you are craving something sweet, chew sugar-free gum.

你尽力不去理会这种渴望、你尽力去避免这种渴望、你甚至尽力智胜这种渴望,但是一无所获。You even try to outwit the craving. But it doesn’t work.

肉食的量要少,以解馋为主。Less the amount of meat, mainly to satisfy their craving.

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对于那些渴望烧烤,高尔夫是一定要请的。For those craving barbecue, The CaddyShack is sure to please.

通常,完成练习之后,你的渴望就会消去。Usually after finishing exercise the craving will have passed.

我渴求你的亲吻,我想长伴你至天明,亲爱的。Still craving your kiss, I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear.