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当然,请便。Sure, Go ahead.

请往前面走。Please go ahead.

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我们面前还有一段很长的路。A long way ahead.

你来,站起来说。Go ahead. Stand up.

不,说下去。No, go right ahead.

你必须早作计画。You must plan ahead.

一转眼,50年过去了。Flash ahead 50 years.

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唐克,全速前进。Tank, all ahead full.

允许他走在前面。Allow him to go ahead.

你只管干下去。Go ahead by all means.

问公主休闲音乐聊天室吧。我不介意。Go ahead. I don't mind.

谁来答一下,请说Anybody guess? Go ahead.

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快乐的人未雨绸缪。Happy people plan ahead.

30多年一晃而过。Flash ahead 30-odd years.

我得向前看,贺凯。I gotta look ahead hecky.

下一周我可要忙坏了。I have a busy week ahead.

开始认识吴经熊吧。Go ahead and meet John Wu.

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来吧,再读一遍那句话吧。Go ahead. Read that again.

好,请说。I take it-- yes, go ahead.

大师兄,放心去吧。Big brother, just go ahead.