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伊兰哈基姆从以色列飞抵。Eran Hakim flew in from Israel.

阿卜杜勒哈基姆Belhadj,45岁,是新利比亚最有权势的人物之一。Abdel Hakim Belhadj, 45, is one of the most powerful men of the new Libya.

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她在去年发表的一篇学术论文中指出,她并不希望读者如此这般解读她的新书。But that’s not what Hakim wants, as she noted in an academic paper published last year.

哈基姆生前领导反对萨达姆的主要伊拉克什叶派穆斯林组织。Ayatollah Hakim was the leader of the main Iraqi Shi'ite group opposed to Saddam Hussein.

瓦里克告诉我别多想,我想这应该是自从06年扣篮大赛最低的得分吧。Hakim can tell me what not to do, I think he had the lowest score in dunk history back in 2006, ha.

故事的另一条主线则是,哈基姆要努力协调自身的传统价值观和他几个独立性很强的女儿之间的分歧。In addition, Hakim struggles to reconcile his traditional values with his more independent daughters.

选举投诉委员法希姆。哈基姆对美国之音说,对投诉一一调查要花。ECC member Fahim Hakim tells VOA that looking into these alleged electoral abuses could be time consuming.

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那些想让女性抛弃女性气质的女性主义者忽视了这一项力量强大的资本,哈基姆女士认为。Feminists who want women to throw away their femininity are overlooking a powerful asset, Ms Hakim argues.

该市非常终将会建成23座这种充满高科技手段而且具备自我清洁功能的洗手间。The Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur will have 23 such high-tech, self-cleaning toilets, Mayor Hakim Borhan said.

白队由盖伊黄疸梅奥,马克加索尔,米利,瓦里克,康利和贾里奇。The white team consisted of Rudy Gay, OJ Mayo, Marc Gasol, Darko Milicic, Hakim Warrick, Mike Conley and Marko Jaric.

哈基姆女士表明,一开始女性就比男性拥有更多的性资本,主要是一位她们已经付诸好几个世纪的努力了。Ms Hakim suggests that women have more erotic capital than men to start with, mainly because they have had to work at it for centuries.

现在下定论尚为时过早,不过正如哈基姆举例所指出的那样,地位高的女性从不拒绝使用自己的性吸引力。It might be accelerating now but as Hakim points out in one example, high-status women have never been afraid of using their sex appeal.

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考古学家们至今只打开了一个石棺——并且在里面发现了一个木乃伊。Archaeologists so far have opened only one of the sarcophagi — and found a mummy inside of it, said Hawass' assistant, Abdel Hakim Karar.

在弥撒中,什叶派穆斯林领袖、也是伊拉克势力最大的什叶派政治组织领导人之子哈金步入教堂。During the mass, Shiite Muslim leader Ammar al- Hakim , son of the head of Iraq's most powerful Shiite political organization, walked into the church.

事件发生在霍斯特的边缘,是霍斯特省的首府,省警察总长阿卜杜勒·哈基姆·艾沙卡伊将军告诉法新社。The incident took place on the edge of Khost, capital of the province of the same name, provincial police chief General Abdul Hakim Eshaqzai told AFP.

整个欧洲的结果大致相同,前社会主义体制的欧洲国家稍有例外,当地一直有男性较少参予家务的传统。"Results were similar across Europe, except in the ex-socialist European countries, where there is less of a tradition of men chipping in," Hakim said.

阿布德·哈基姆·被哈吉,这个伊斯兰派的黎波里反卡扎菲势力的领导人,已经提出了一个将革命分子拉入新的军队和政治势力的计划。Abdel Hakim Belhaj, an Islamist who commands Tripoli's anti-Qaddafi forces, has proposed a plan to draw the revolutionaries into a new army and police force.

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简单的说,性吸引力是指一个人的风格面貌、社交技能和态度的综合,许多人认为它并不重要,而哈基姆是想呼吁人们重新检视这一错误观点。In short, Hakim is appealing for everyone to stop pretending that sex appeal -- a combination of style, looks, social skills, and attitude -- doesn't matter.

简单的说,性吸引力是指一个人的风格面貌、社交技能和态度的综合,许多人认为它并不重要,而哈基姆是想呼吁人们重新检视这一错误观点。In short, Hakim is appealing for everyone to stop pretending that sex appeal -- a combination of style, looks, social skills, and attitude -- doesn’t matter.

灰雄队新秀沃里克和卫冕冠军约什-史密斯在第一论比赛中就被淘汰出局,得分分别为86分和81分。Memphis rookie Hakim Warrick and defending champion Josh Smith of Atlanta were eliminated in the first round with two-dunk totals of 86 and 81 points, respectively.